Saturday, February 6, 2010

December Leftovers

Here is my December recap of leftover pictures I didn't post yet. Not that I am every caught up on my posts, but I do now have an excuse. Our computer is just about dead. It only turns on when it feels like it now and then the internet goes in and out and last week it had a virus that almost crashed it! I haven't been uploading pictures for fear I may send it into a frenzy! It is almost 6 years old, which is ancient for a computer, and has been pretty much our only computer that whole time. It was also the one Darren used for school which meant he used it for all his studing, papers and all his patient stuff, and now I use it for work and blogging, so I think it is safe to say we have gotten our money's worth and it is time to move on. We just have to find the time to shop and find what we want, and we don't really know what that is. Anyway - there is my excuse for poor blogging habits! And here are a few leftover photos from December. I think I posted most of my pictures in all the Christmas and other posts, so there weren't many left.
Here is my sweet Rylee with her babies. She LOVES to take care of them and requested that I take their picture, which she does quite frequently. Such a silly girl. I love it! Also notice the PJ ensemble she put together. She is really into dressing herself.
Rylee with many of her baby and stuffed animal friends. She is such a great mommy and puts her babies to bed and likes to remind us to be quiet while they are sleeping and even nurses them. She tells me she is feeding her baby and walks around with her shirt pulled up and a baby held up to her stomach. Funny stuff! Also notice her pose - She loves to pose that way for some reason, with her hands up by her face. If I haven't mentioned this before, Rylee also has a bit of an obsession with lining things up just so. It is pretty funny how organized and also messy she is, but I always laugh when I see her toys all standing in a line. The kids at our first Aggie game of the season against St Mary's. We really did have fun, but I think I may have already posted about that.

We attempted a bath with all 3 kids for the first time this month. They had a great time and Avery was fine with it, but I was a little nervous with all the craziness and splashing, so we haven't attempted again yet. They loved having Avery in there though.

I thought this was so funny! I wrapped Avery up and put in her swing and came back a few minutes later to find her covered in stuffed animals. Funny Rylee decided she needed some friends and Avery was just as content as can be all covered in them.

My girls! Rylee just had to be in this picture! She does that a lot - She can't stand to have other people get a picture without having one of her. She also loves to hold Avery and tell me to get the camera and take a picture. She puts their heads together and says "We're Sisters!" and poses all the time.
I have already posted these I think, but I didn't have too much to post since most of this month was just Christmas stuff. So here are a couple of our family photos from the holidays. We had a great month and such a fun holiday! I love these guys!!!

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