Monday, February 8, 2010

Out with the Old...

Speaking of old, this post is SO old. I am so far behind it is a little ridiculous! is a little flashback to our New Year's Celebrations. I said last week that I was going to post one thing a day until I was caught up, but that didn't happen, and this week is going to be crazy, so I doubt that it will happen again. Maybe someday I can be one of those people with a clean house, an updated blog and scrapbook and lots of completed craft projects. Heck, I would be thrilled if I could do ONE of those things! For now, I am NONE of those, but I have 3 cute kids who I do spend lots of time with and I love that. I try and remember that I will never get this time back, so it is OK if I can't keep up with the house and other things.
To start with, I think New Year's Eve is one of the most overrated holidays there is. If you don't drink and you have small kids, what do you really do? This year, we spent New Year's Eve with Darren's brother Brian and his family. Our kids LOVE going to Uncle Brian and Aunt Val's and they love playing with their cousins and their kids love to entertain ours. It was pretty low key but we had a good time.
Rylee and Daddy checking out the Ping Pong action. This is probably why Uncle Brian's is one of Logan's favorite places to visit - They have a Wii AND a Ping Pong table. Pure heaven!

Rylee and Avery
Rylee and Avery and the BIG baby that she always manages to find at Brian and Val's. She loves that thing and heads straight to Lauren's room to find it every time we visit.
Avery ready to ring in her first New Year. Isn't she the cutest??? I love those boots!
Rylee and her big baby again. She toted that thing around all night.
We played a few games for awhile and Avery just hung out in her bumbo. She loves that thing! She is getting pretty good at grabbing her toys, too.
Avery took a little nap and we found her sleeping like this - With the thumb in. She has found her thumb a couple times before that, but after this, it was a pretty regular thing. She may be addicted, just like Logan!
Gotta love this face! Rylee is full of these facial expressions. She cracks us up!

Logan enjoying some Ping Pong action!

Rylee loves to play in Lauren's special little playhouse. She had a lot of fun with her cousins!
We thought the kids would go to bed around 10 or 11.... Nope! Too much fun and excitement! They stayed up and rang in the New Year at midnight! Here is Logan and Madi. She is so good with our kids - They love her!
Avery was the only one asleep when midnight came around. This is how she rang in the New Year.
Me and Rylee - Happy New Year!
Me and my baby in our first photo of 2010!
Logan and Daddy - It took us FOREVER to get them in bed. Even after this, it was at least another half hour. It must have been way too much fun! It made for a long day the next day, but at least they had a good time. We stayed with Brian and Val that night and had breakfast again the next morning. Thanks again for a fun time guys!
On New Year's Day, we headed to my Uncle's for our traditional Oil cake celebrations. They are the most delicious things you will ever eat! I ate way, way WAY too many, but we had a great time visiting with family and eating lots! Here are Rylee and Logan with Uncle Brad watching Toy Story in my Uncle's basement.
Avery hanging out with Grandpa Boman - She fell asleep like this.
Avery's 1st New Year's Celebration - No oil cakes until next year though!
Logan and Uncle Brad watching football.
Darren fell asleep watching football with the boys. He didn't even flinch when I snapped this photo.
Me and my cute Ry close-up!
A little farther away...
Rylee posing for me!
Cute Logan
Avery napping with Aunt Vanessa - This is how we usually find Vanessa.... asleep!
Logan - I thought this pose of his was quite funny!
Our fam! Happy New Year!!! From here, Darren and I headed off to celebrate our Anniversary and the kids stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Boman for a sleepover. They LOVE doing that! It was a great New Year! Here is to a great 2010....since we are already a good part of the way through it.... So far, so good!!!


Emily said...

Yay I love a good new year reminder in April and guess what?... mine is still yet to be posted...coming soon! I hate to just skip stuff like that but seriously... April? We are crazy huh? I hear ya about not being able to do it all- it drives me crazy so thanks for the reminder to enjoy the days and these moments... the blog, dishes, laundry it can all wait, right? ok at least the blog can wait. and mine definitely does, glad that yours does too!

Karmann said...

You crack me up about always trying to catch up! OH my goodnes AVERY is so adorbale! I just showed Ryan and he said.............MAN they make such cute kids! I agree!!! Miss you BUNCHES!!! XOXOXO!!!