Wednesday, June 10, 2009

When you read, You begin with ABC...

My little Logan has recently been obsessed with letters and the sounds they make. He also has always been interested in all the signs and logos we see and can pretty much identify ANY business sign or logo that we drive by on a regular basis, like Michael's, Kohl's, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, whatever. He also is ALWAYS asking how you spell words. He comes up with some pretty random things that he wants to know how to spell and we have to sound it all out and spell it for him. He has started to put all his letter and sound recognition together and is now starting to recognize words outside of the logos and signs and it is so exciting to me!!! I think it is the cutest thing ever. Maybe all kids can do this at 4, but I think it is so great to see him learning this! He has been able to read his name for awhile, and while we were in Yellowstone last weekend, he found his name on a little sheriff badge and was SO proud that HIS name was on the badge and wanted to get it so bad. How can you say no to that? Also on our trip, he saw the word "OFF" and said, "Look, Mom, O - F - F. That says Off!" and was reading a book in the car and said "F - R - O - G. Does that spell Frog, mom?" Needless to say, both times, I got little tears in my eyes. I don't know if it was because I was so proud of him or because I realized how big he is getting. Then yesterday, he got a Tootsie Pop at the library for the summer reading program and he said, "Look mom. It says POP. P-O-P!" I couldn't believe it! I think it is so cute to hear him sounding out words and asking how to spell everything and being so interested in reading! I hope it stays that way for a long time! Harry Potter, here we come!!! OK...that one may take a few years...

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

WOW!!! What a good reader! He's so smart!! Remember Kyle and all the movies we'd have him read?!