Friday, May 8, 2009

We're In....

We are finally moved....sort of! We are still living out of boxes, and probably will be for quite awhile but it does feel great to be done moving and in our OWN place! The kids are loving having a little more space, and I am loving that they have a play room to hang out in and reduce messes downstairs and in their rooms! The only bummer is that there is no place for them to really play outside, since we only have weeds and it has been raining so much that our yard is MUD! They do love to go find bugs and stuff and we are HOPING to get our yard in this summer, but it will be a huge project! We also LOVE our beautiful view of the valley - It is so pretty and green right now - I will have to post a picture soon. The best part is our great view of the Logan temple! We love being able to see it so well!
With all this house hunting and moving, we have apparently been talking a little too much about houses and their features. Logan has started saying "that is a nice house" or "wow! That house is beautiful" or "That looks like a great house" when we are out driving around. The other day, he was in his car seat and all of a sudden piped up with "To have 850 square feet, you have to have a lot of attitude!" WHAT? I have no idea where that came from, but it was pretty funny! I guess we must discuss square feet a lot! He also started talking about "caulking" things the other day - I think that came from our inspection and walk through. He has had a lot of fun helping Darren put in the mailbox and a few other fun "handy" things that he has done around the house.
We are trying to get settled and finally now have TV and internet and all our appliances in and working after a dishwasher leak and a few other small hangups. Logan also loved having all the repair guys here and liked to talk to them about what they were working on and other random things, like his NINJA SKILLS!
Rylee is also now sleeping in her BIG GIRL BED and doing great! We put the crib into the baby's room and just put a new bed into Rylee's when we moved. I worried it might be a little TOO much adjusting all at once, but she has done great! I think it helped that the first couple of nights she went to bed SO late and was so tired! There was one night when she came out of her room two or three times, but other than that, she has done great! I will have to add a picture of her soon, when I find my camera cable! Naptime is another story..... Now we just need blinds so our kids stop waking up at 6:30 every morning with the sun!!!
In other news, we have the ultrasound for baby #3 next week, so we will be finding out soon what this little baby is! The baby has started to move a little more and the last couple of days I have felt it several times! I love this part of pregnancy - Not too sick and not TOO fat...yet! I don't know what poor Logan will do if it is a girl - He is SO set on a boy and won't hear talk of anything else! I guess we will see!!!


Allison said...

Yeah for your new house! I am sorry you had such big loan issues, it totally brought back memories of my mtg. loan processing days, although the guy you were working with kind of sounded like a retard. Anway the more exciting news is about your baby #3! I can't wait for you to find out what you are having. We should take a road trip and come see your cute house when you finally get settled!

Nick and Stacey said...

I am glad you got into your house! Sounds like it has been a crazy couple of weeks for you, and sounds like such a relief to be done! Can't wait to see pictures!

Julie and Matt said...

Congrats on getting into your new home. It is beautiful! You must love having all that space. We would love to come see you guys sometime once you get settled.