Wednesday, May 13, 2009

IT'S A....

That is all I have time for right now, but more news about the ultrasound (and Logan's reaction!) to come soon!


Clark Family said...

We are so excited for you!!

Jenn said...

congrats! That is so awesome. Rylee will be in heaven! Logan will come around! He's such a sweetie!!

I'm so sorry again about today. You are a good friend to be so sweet and understanding.

Jami said...

Congrats! That will be so much fun. How are you feeling. I am so excited for you guys!

Julie and Matt said...

How exciting! I hope Logan will be ok with that. I'm sure he will be excited for another sister by the time she is born.

Allison said...

Yea!! I hope everything looked great with the baby, and hopefully poor Logan will get over it sooner rather than later. :)