Saturday, May 16, 2009

Our Ultrasound

We had the ultrasound for Baby #3 on Wednesday, May 13th. The kids were pretty excited to go back to the Dr office to see the "baby in mommy's tummy". They thought the ultrasound was really neat and especially liked hearing and seeing the baby's heartbeat and liked the body parts that they could identify - like the feet and hands and head. Logan paid a lot more attention than I thought he would and was pretty into everything. Rylee watched for a little bit and then was more interested in flipping power switches and other things.
Our little one was pretty active and was moving constantly so it was hard for the tech to get great shots. It was the best ultrasound I have had in terms of being able to see everything. We even saw the baby's little mouth open and close, which the tech said is pretty rare to see. Here are some pics of our new little baby:ProfileAnother profile shotA cute shot of the baby's legs and feet - I love how they are crossed

I think this is the baby's head and face. I am not too good at telling what some of these pictures are! This one is my favorite - You can actually see so much of the baby!
Darren and I both kind of had the feeling that the baby was a girl, but Logan was convinced otherwise. When the Ultrasound tech told us that the baby was a GIRL, poor little Logan was not too happy with the news that the baby was a girl! On the way to the ultrasound, he was talking all about seeing his new baby brother. I told him that it might be a sister, and he said that it was a brother. We asked him how he knew that, and he said "I just know already. I'm smart." Even after the ultrasound tech announced that it was a girl, Logan kept saying "Oh, look at that cute baby boy!" and "There is my baby brother!" It took some convincing to tell him that it was not a boy and then he was pretty upset. He kept saying "I don't want a girl baby" and "I already have a sister, Mom!" On the drive home, he had a bit of a meltdown and yelled "I don't want a girl baby!" I told him that Aunt Heather was having a boy baby, so he could still have a boy cousin, but that wasn't enough for him. He said "I want OUR baby to be a boy baby!" When we got home, he refused to come into the house and when I asked him why, he said "I'm not coming in because our baby is a girl!" Poor kid! We finally got him to come in the house and Darren convinced him that it was going to be cool to be the only boy and be Daddy's special buddy and that they can do lots of cool things - just the two of them! They talked about football games and campouts and other things that would be just for boys and Logan decided that sounded pretty good. At nap time, he said to me "Mom, I'm getting excited for my baby sister now!" It was very sweet! He still occasionally mentions that he wishes the baby was a boy, but I think he is doing much better now! Rylee is just happy to talk about a baby - She could care less whether it was a girl or boy baby. She might care in a few years when her sister wants to borrow her clothes or use the phone, but for now, she is OK with it. These are the pics that prove our baby is a girl. Apparently, it is a pretty clear shot. Our tech told us "I'm trying to make it a boy, but this one is definitely a girl!" I guess we can start picking out PINK!
Now for the hard part....the name! Darren doesn't like to talk about names before we know the sex because he says that we don't need to fight over 2 names when we could just fight over 1! I have a list of about 8 or so girl names that I like, but none are sticking out too much yet. With Logan and Rylee, we knew the names we wanted right away, but this one has been different. Darren wants to wait until she is born, so I guess we will narrow down our list and see what she looks like and then decide.

I am SO far behind on our blog postings (besides this one, which is current!) I have lots of things that we have been doing lately - Rylee's birthday, Easter, baby animal days, the move.... So hopefully, I will do some catch up soon!


Doug and Dawn said...

Another girl, how fun. That's all we know about around here. I love Logan's reaction. So cute. I hope your pregnancy is going good.

Clark Family said...

I'm glad Logan is getting used to the idea of a girl. It took even me a while to get used to the idea that we're having a boy! I'm jealous you got to have the 4-D (?) ultrasound! They are so cool!!

Karmann said...

I love that you are having another girl! You guys make such cute kids so either or would be perfect but how fun for Rylee to have a younger sister! I hope Logan continues to be ok with things! My heart ached for him! I am so happy for you guys! thanks for the call.......sorry I havent been able to call back! Stupid service! love you and miss you!

Kim said...

Yay for another girl! SO fun!

We hope all is well!

T.J and Kim Adams