Sunday, February 8, 2009

Our Sunbeam!!!

Can you see the difference in these photos???
These pictures are of Logan on his LAST day of nursery.....
And here he is on his FIRST day of Primary as a Sunbeam....
Doesn't he look so much more grown up? I know that it has been over a MONTH since we started Sunbeams, but I still can't believe that my BABY is old enough for Primary!!! Where does time go? I have a hard time picturing him sitting still for the whole time and listening but I think he is doing OK. I haven't had any bad reports...yet!
These pictures are of Logan AFTER his first day of Sunbeams with his cute little "I Am a Child of God" hat! He was so proud of it and of himself for going to primary like a big boy! His teachers tell me that he is great in class and knows all the answers, which makes me nervous for what else he says in class.... He loves his cute teachers, but unfortunately, they are moving out of our ward, so he is going to have new teachers next week. Hopefully, he will adjust OK!
Logan does have one funny (and not so good) habit in Primary. I guess he tells everyone that he needs to talk in the microphone each week. So...They let him! They hold him up there and let him say "Thank you for coming to Primary boys and girls!" at the end of Primary every week. I guess he wants to be like his dad. Everyone thinks it is so cute, but I don't know if it is a good habit for him to be in! Anyway, I guess since they knew he liked talking in the microphone, they assigned him to give the scripture on only his second week. Here are some pictures of him afterwards. He was so proud!
He did SUCH a great job! He was a little bit loud, since he wanted to be sure that he was talking in the microphone but he said his scripture really well with only a little help! I almost cried - It was so sweet! His scripture was Psalm chapter 82, verse 6 - "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." I was especially surprised when a week later, he said it for Grandpa with only a little bit of help, and can still do it with only a word or two here or there. Maybe we should be working on some scripture memorization at our house...
In other exciting news, LOGAN IS FINALLY POTTY TRAINED!!! It has been a long road for him, and we have tried several times but I could tell he was not ready. Something clicked this week and he has done AWESOME! We have only been at it 6 days (this time around...) and he is already going all by himself and has had hardly any accidents! I am a firm believer in waiting until they are ready - It is SO easy!!! I am SO Proud of him! We have even been out and about and going places and he has done so great. I can't believe how big my baby boy is! Even more exciting is that little Rylee has also gotten in on the fun and is going to the potty a couple times a day, so I think that we will be starting with her soon, too. I am planning on doing a whole post just about Logan since he is now 3 1/2 sometime this week, but we will see....


Jami said...

I can't believe they are sunbeams! It just came way to fast. Cute pictures.

Clark Family said...

He is getting way too big! Tell him he needs to slow down!:)

Karmann said...

He is one cute sunbeam!!! Gosh, that is so crazy that he is in primary!!!

Congrats on potty trained! That is such an awesome accomplishment!

Annie said...

Congrats LOGAN! (& mom) well he is getting so big, we need to get together sometime real soon. Love hearing about what you guys are up too.

Nick and Stacey said...

Hey...I saw this on your facebook profile! I am way better at keeping up on my blog, than facebook! Anywyas did I say haw cute your kids are! Where do you live in Cache Valley, do you live in cache valley, or is that just where he practices? Anyways e-mail me, and I can send you an invite to our blog! (if you want)