Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hardware Ranch

In January, we went to Hardware Ranch with 3 of Darren's brothers and their families. It was really fun! Hardware Ranch is a really big elk refuge about a half hour from our house up the canyon. It was a gorgeous drive and a great day to go - It was pretty warm and sunny (for January in Utah) and not too crowded. We met everyone at McDonald's and let the kids play for a bit and then headed up to the Ranch!
First we went to get our tickets for the hayride and to see the Visitor's Center. Logan liked this because there were several hands-on things to look at. They had a bunch of hanging furs the kids could touch and try and guess which animal (gross!!!), a telescope the kids could look through to see the elk, antlers the kids could handle and a lot of stuffed animals around for the kids to look at.
This picture is pretty dark, but it is Rylee being cheesy! I thought it was a funny face... I think she is showing off her wink!

Here is Logan checking out the antlers

I personally thought this was a little disgusting but Logan loved it!!! It is an elk leg (well...half of one) that the kids could use to make hoof prints in the sand. I was hoping he wouldn't touch it, but Boys will be boys, I guess! He was pretty into this! A family Picture! The kids wanted a picture with this cougar, but they wouldn't cooperate! So here is one with Logan (and Rylee blocking out the cougar...)
and one with Rylee....still blocking out the cougar!

Next we walked down to wait for the hayride. Here are my nephews Parker and Spencer waiting for our turn.The hayride was great! It takes you right out in the middle of all the elk - and there were a LOT! Here is Logan checking things out.
Like I said, LOTS of elk!Our family on the hayrideRylee looking at the elk. She kept saying "Pet them?" I don't think that would be a good idea...Logan sucking his thumb. I don't know how to stop this, but it makes for some cute pictures...sometimes! He wanted to sit with his cousin, Madi and she was really great with him and very patient with his thumb sucking!
My little niece, Raegan. I loved her cute hat and big flower! She always looks so cute!My niece Lauren - She loves to have her picture taken!
Logan againBrian's familyRylee, Darren and Curt listening to the tour guides. Our hayride was really educational and our tour guides knew everything there was to know about elk. Darren and my brother-in-laws had lots of questions and they always knew the answer. We all learned a lot! Curt even found out all about the "Testicle Festival"! One of our tour guides was wearing a shirt from there and it started ALL sorts of questions!!!!Rylee...again!More elk!My niece Haley

The horses the pulled us on our hayride were HUGE Clydesdale's. After our ride, they let the kids pet them. I think some of the kids liked this better than anything else we did that day!
Logan trying to get close. I thought he might be scared, but he went right up and touched them.Rylee SAID she wanted to pet the horses, but once she got close, she wanted nothing to do with them! She tried over and over again, but I don't think she ever actually touched one.Mommy and Rylee

Before we got back in our cars, we took some family pics.
Here we are!I took pics for Brian and Val since they forgot their camera. Aren't they cute? I love how little Lauren is posed!I took one for Kevin and Haley, too. Curt and Carla brought their camera, so I didn't get one of them, but they were there, too.
It was a bit of a walk back up to the car and the kids were having a great time the whole way throwing snowballs at us! Rylee thought she was so funny!!!
Darren and the kids walking back to the car. I always think they look funny all bundled up!Logan throwing a snowball. He really liked to throw them at his uncles and has a pretty good arm! He can be pretty dangerous!!!

That night, we were all going to dinner for Darren's mom's birthday. So, we all went to Brian's house to kill some time in between. It ended up being a Rockband fest!Darren on guitar, Brian on the drums and Curt, the lead singer. I have NEVER heard a lead singer quite like Curt....WOW!Logan and Raegan wanted to be in on the fun so they went and found their own instruments. I think they are little toy saws they found in the playroom.Rock out!Darren let Logan help him on the drums for a little bit and he thought that was pretty awesome! He loves to play with the big kids!

ALL of Darren's family was able to make it to dinner for Grandma Pat's birthday and that is quite an accomplishment considering there are 31 of us (and 2 coming soon!) We were quite the crowd!!! Rylee didn't eat hardly any of her dinner, but she sure loved the chocolate cake that Grandpa brought!
What a face!
Have I mentioned that Rylee refuses to use utensils! She can...she is actually really good with them... but she NEVER does and always makes SUCH a mess eating! I think a spoon and fork must slow her down and she is ALL business when it comes to eating! She even eats her breakfast cereal with just her bare hands.... Maybe someday we will get some table manners! For now, I am just happy that she is a good eater!
I think its safe to say that she likes chocolate! She sure is happy about this cake! There are no pictures of Logan at dinner because he was playing musical chairs all night sitting with different uncles and grandma and grandpa and cousins and I could never find him! seat was in the corner of everyone so there was no way I was getting out to get a picture! It was another fun family day! Happy birthday Grandma Pat!


Karmann said...

That place looks so awesome! I would have loved to be that close to all of the elk! I love that Rylee kept saying PET THEM! TOo cute!! The making hoof marks in the sand with a real leg would creep me out but like you said as long as they are having fun it is ok! I love seeing them all bundled up, they look so cute!

Thanks for your sweet words! I am doing ok. Just found out and then it happened right away. Like always. Head held high and know that it will come! I think everything is working that I am doing and now it is just continue to trust and have faith! I will call this weekend when i have time,service and mins! Love yoU!! Miss you!!

Jenn said...

I love your cute little family, Brooke. I am so happy to live so close to such awesome people. And your kids could not be cuter. I absolutely enjoyed having them over the other day- when will the sicknesses end???

Jami said...

That ranch looks like it was a lot of fun. We will have to go with you sometime when we finally move home.