Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Spongebob and Bums

Jan 5. 09 - Tonight for Family Home Evening, we had a lesson called "I have a Body Like Heavenly Father's". (For anyone looking for a good source for Family Home Evening lessons for little kids, I bought the new nursery manual and it is great!) When we started the lesson, we were talking about how we are all children of our Heavenly Father and Logan piped up and said "Mom, Is Spongebob a child of God?" Darren and I thought that was pretty funny. I tried to explain that Spongebob is just a cartoon, but when I said that "everyone on the earth is a child of God", Logan said that "Spongebob is on the earth, Mom" He wouldn't let it go, so we finally decided that Spongebob must be a child of God, too. Later in the lesson, we were pointing to different body parts and saying "I have eyes like Heavenly Father", "I have a face like Heavenly Father", etc. When we finished, Rylee pointed to her backside and said "bum, bum". I guess we have a bum like Heavenly Father's, too! I love the funny things our kids say - They always keep us entertained!


Erica said...

How funny, we just did a family home evening lesson from the new nursery manual. It's heaven! It's got the whole lesson set out for you right there and it actually holds our kids attention for longer thatn 30 seconds. Good thinking! Cute Christmas pics. Your kids are so stinking cute.

Wehrle said...

Ha! I love the funny things kids say! Rylee is talking so good, Rya doesn't say a whole lot still. I may have to try the nursery manual, I don't even try to get Rya to sit there, maybe that would work though!

Clark Family said...

These kids are too cute!!