Monday, February 2, 2009

New Years Day

Wow! I just can never catch up!!! I thought I was getting close, but then our internet went out and now I am further behind than ever! This Post is pretty old, but I have to start somewhere...

We had a great New Year's Day! My uncle and aunt have started a fun tradition that every New Year's we go to their house for Olibollens, which are Dutch oil cakes and they are SOOO delicious! They are kind of like a cross between a doughnut and a scone. I can not stop eating them!!! I think I ate like 5 during the day - (Holidays don't count for your Resolutions, right???) It is actually an old tradition that my mom and uncle remember my great grandma doing while they were growing up and they decided to restart it a few years ago and it has been so fun! What is better than family and YUMMY food???? Here are some pictures.
Rylee with her Grandpa Boman - She has him wrapped around her finger and can get him to do ANYTHING she wants! On this day, she got him to let her eat about a pound of fruit! I don't think he can ever say no to her.Here is Logan eating an oil cake with Uncle Brad. He LOVES his uncles!Logan and his uncle DeanMy cute RyleeMy sister Vanessa and brother JeffThe boys doing some serious eating! (Jeff, Dean, Darren and Brad)
Darren pulling one of his lovely faces in opposition to all my picture taking!
Dean!Me and Darren without him pulling a face!Rylee and her daddy!My mom and my Aunt Joan - They are the Olibollen makers - I think this year was the best batch yet! We tried rolling them in powdered sugar...Mmmm...I love this picture of Rylee!Me and Vanessa
Cute kiddiesRylee holding Baby Ben. He looks as big as her in this picture, but he is a little guy - only about 3 months old. This is my cousin Rikki's baby, and she was visiting from California, so it was our first chance to meet Baby Ben. Rylee caught me holding Ben and FREAKED out! She wouldn't stop crying until I gave the baby back, but then she wanted to hold him. She would have held him all day if we would have let her, but I don't think Ben was too happy about it!Me and Rylee and my cousin Rikki and Ben. We don't see each other very often, since Rikki lives in California, but it was so fun to see her and Josh and their 3 kids! Her girls are so cute! I didn't get pictures of Josh and Maddie and Bella - I think they were taking naps when my camera came out...
Somehow in all my picture taking, I missed getting one of my cousin Chris and his wife, Tiff and their little boy Griffin and my Uncle Ric. I also didn't find one with Kyle or my sister Heather and her husband Jay, but they were all there, too. This tradition was something my Grandpa really loved, too and I really missed him!

After spending most of the day at my Uncle's, we headed to my parent's house. Vanessa needed a haircut and had decided to donate her hair to Locks of Love so Heather told Logan and Rylee they could do the cutting! They were pretty excited....
Logan looking so professional in his apron!I think this picture is funny because Logan is helping Heather measure Vanessa's hair and Rylee is combing his! She loves to help!
Logan VERY concentrated on cutting!Rylee finishing up. I love the HUGE dinosaur in the background! It is one of the many cardboard cutouts my mom purchased for Christmas this year - The dinosaur is Kyle's. Logan has a Lightning McQueen and Rylee has a Belle and Cinderella.Logan holding Aunt Vanessa's cut off ponytail - Kind of gross, but doesn't he look so proud of himself? That is some serious hair!Rylee had to have a turn, too. She LOVES haircuts and is always pretending to cut our hair. She HAS to sit in Aunt Heather's haircutting chair every time we visit my parent's house and pretend to have a haircut!
Most of the rest of that night and the next morning was spent playing RockBand!!! Here is Jeff, Darren and Jay rocking out. Rylee was being silly and posing with her new baby from Great-Grandma
She LOVES anytime that she can find any kind of little chair to sit in. She is so funny about chairs that are her size.
Jeff rocking out on guitar!Darren was usually the designated singer. This picture reminds me of that part on Wedding Singer.... "licking the microphone like David Lee Roth"... Now all he needs is some leather pants!!! SO HOT....haha!Whenever I have the camera out, Rylee demands that I take LOTS of pictures of her!Logan relaxing with Aunt Heather. He makes everyone tickle his tummy and then pretends that he is sleeping. He always wants to play rockband, but can't quite play well enough to keep the game going! He gets pretty upset when he doesn't get to play, but it is funny to watch him - he can sing LOTS of the songs!Rylee and Mommy hanging out on the LoveSackBrad and Darren jamming!We played Boys vs Girls - It was the only way we could get a chance to play since the boys are ALWAYS on it and never give us a turn! This game is about the only video game I like - It is really fun! I especially like the guitar - I think the drums are hard and I am a TERRIBLE singer! I love Heather's drumming face in this picture...We found a drum from another game for Logan to hit so that he could "play" too without messing up the real game. (If you don't get a certain amount of notes right, it kicks you out of the game and you have to start over...) He had a great time and didn't know the least for awhile!Rylee liked drumming, too! She looks a bit of a mess, but that is how she usually looks in the mornings.


Wehrle said...

Looks like you guys had lots of fun! It makes me miss my family! You are so good to remember you camera.. I always forget mine, or I forget to get it out!

Clark Family said...

You got some sweet pictures! :)