Friday, October 19, 2007

GOOOO Mighty Cougars!

Last weekend, we took the kids to the UNLV-BYU football game here in Vegas. We are not the biggest BYU fans, but we do like watching them and we cheer for them whenever they don't play Utah State. We had a fun time at the game, although there were some crazy drunk UNLV fans around. They provided some good entertainment though. Logan loved going to the "football stadium". He gets so excited and loves cheering - He was chanting "B-Y-U" and "Go Mighty Cougars" and had so much fun. He looked so adorable in his little football jersey. Rylee wasn't too sure at first with all the noise, but she ended up liking it, too. By the end, she was SO tired and got really silly - she was laughing at everything!

Logan looked so cute cheering! He had the funniest high-pitched yell and loved yelling for the Cougar Touchdowns!
Rylee was so silly at the end of the night - She had the biggest grins!

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