Friday, October 19, 2007


Rylee is now six months old and growing up so fast! It makes me a little sad that she isn't a little baby anymore, but she is so much fun! Lately, she has had a lot of milestones-She is sitting up really well all by herself (she has been for about a month). She also started eating cereal a few weeks ago and most of the time she really likes it, although she does pull an occasional yucky face! At first she was spitting everything back out, but she is finally getting the hang of eating and swallowing. She is also starting to crawl! She started pushing up onto her hands and knees October 1st-I didn't know whether to cheer or cry as I know my life will never be the same now that I have 2 children on the go! Her crawling is quite interesting - It is definately her own version and looks a bit like "The Worm"! She pushes up onto her hands and toes, like a push up, then thrusts herself forward, falls onto her tummy and then starts over again! It takes her some effort, but she gets wherever she wants to go! The last few days she has also gotten the hang of moving her hands a little bit, so I think she will really be on the go soon - Yikes! She is such a silly little girl and is always smiling! She also LOVES to blow raspberries at us and is so noisy! She loves to yell and is also starting to babble a lot, too. She also loves her brother and smiles and laughs at him all the time. She is growing up a little too fast, but we are having a lot of fun watching her learn new things.

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