Thursday, November 8, 2012

Logan's7th Birthday, Part 2

We celebrated Logan's extended birthday with our family's on Sunday, but his real birthday was on Wednesday, so we had some more celebrating to do.  In our family, if its your birthday, it is YOUR day so you pretty much pick everything we do for the day - food, activities...  Logan woke up with his whole day planned out!  Such a funny boy!  Here he is sleeping the night before.  Last picture of him as a SIX year old... 
The next morning it was time to PARTY!  This is the cute banner my mom made Logan for his room.  I hung it up for his birthday to add a festive touch.
Logan woke up at 6:30 and was in our bedroom.  He said, "Do you know what today is???"  We sent him back to his bed, but that didn't last long.  He was out watching his favorite tv shows really early.  Kratt Brothers and Ninjago.  Since we couldn't get him to go back to bed, we finally decided we should just all get up and start the celebration.  Since Logan's birthday was on a Wednesday, Daddy was home in the morning so we had a yummy breakfast cooked by Daddy!  Pancakes per Logan's request.  Daddy even made him a #7 pancake.  How do they grow up so fast???  Seven seems REALLY old to me!

My cute breakfast bunch

 Birthday breakfast.  Logan's other request for his birthday was whipped cream.  And Strawberries.  He LOVES whipped cream on everything and will even eat it from the can.  Daddy introduced him to this recently and it is now his favorite.  Who doesn't like whipped cream?  (Besides Avery...) 

Since Daddy was home and there was no school (summer break!), Logan got to open his presents early.  He was SO excited!!!  I'm surprised we got him to eat breakfast. 

I love this boy and how excited he gets about things.  It makes our life so much fun! 

It is so hard to get REAL smiles out of him these days.  I guess that is what happens when you are seven and way too cool to have your mom take your picture. 

Let the opening begin.  His first present was a Zoobooks magazine subscription.  He LOVES these!  He really likes to learn about animals and when they come he reads them and can't put them down until he has read the whole thing. 
Logan opening some clothes.  This may have been my favorite part of the whole day.  The day before Logan had tossed all the clothes he got to the side and hadn't paid much attention and he got in a bit of trouble, so when he opened clothes on this day, he made sure that he had a positive comment about everything he opened!  It was hilarious listening to the funny things he came up with to say about boring clothes. 
 The Disney Earth blu-rays.  I always say that Logan is an old man trapped in a little boy's body.  He just is an old soul.  Here is even more evidence of that.  He loves learning about animals and he loves watching documentaries!  

A Ninjago spinner from one of the girls.  He was VERY happy with this! 

Rylee loved shopping for Logan and was really excited for him to open her gift. 
Trying to think of something else nice to say about clothes... 

Ninjago undies...  How embarassing! 

Toy Story 3 video game

Spitta Ninjago spinner.  This was the one that he REALLY wanted and asked Uncle Kevin for the $12.99 for. 

Another spinner...

More boring clothes...  
This was a BIG box!  It was a Star Wars ship.  It was pretty awesome. 

And the last gift... 
Looking excited... 
It took a minute for him to realize what it was.  What Logan REALLY wanted for his birthday was a Lego Ninjago set called the Samaraui Mech.  It was kind of hard to find and didn't make it in time for his birthday so we had to wrap another box and put a picture of the Samaruai Mech over it and say it would be coming the next day.  It took him a minute to figure it out... 
And then he went crazy!  (I realize the rest of these pics are super blurry, but I just love the reaction they capture...)

Do you think he was happy with that gift??? 
Do you think he likes his presents?  I love this boy and his excitement!  He got a Zoobooks subscription, some Ninjago undies, some Ninjago spinners, the Disney Earth bluerays, some clothes, Toy Story 3 video game, Star Wars battle ship and a Ninjago lego set - the Samurai Mech!

The first item of business after presents were open was assembling his new spinners.  Ninjago is pretty new at our house (or at least it was on his birthday.) so he was very excited about these! 

Mr Bronson just hanging out. 
Logan's request for his birthday was to go to the Soft Play at the Fun Park.  He LOVES going there and I almost always say no because I hate it, but I couldn't say no on his birthday.  We sent the kids up to get some socks for the Soft Play - Avery picked out these and refused to take them off!  Silly girl! 

As soon as Logan woke up, he had a plan for HIS day. He wanted to go to the Fun Park, then lunch at Pizza Pie Cafe and dinner at Chick-fi-A.  Our plans changed a bit, but we did start out at the Fun Park. The kids were having a blast going down the slide OVER and OVER.

Just playing around.

Bronson hanging out with Mom and Dad

Daddy got a few tokens for the kids and he ended up winning a pretty big jackpot!  He did this game where you put the token down a little jump and he got it into the slot and won about 750 tickets!  The kids were pretty excited! 
Logan got to choose how to spend the tickets.  I thought he should get something cool since he had so many tickets, but he REALLY wanted a grab bag.  It was basically full of junk.  But, that is what he wanted and he was such a good brother and got one for both of his sisters, too.  He was really generous with his tickets and got them each a few things they wanted. 

Logan's original plan was Chick-fil-A for dinner.  But, he only wanted to do that because it was a Wednesday night and sometimes on Wednesday nights they do special fun activities.  When I explained they might not be doing that this particular Wednesday, he changed his plan a little and we went there for lunch.  It was a bit traumatic because the cow was there and Avery freaked out a bit!  She HATES the cow and has even had some nightmares about him!  The worst part is the cow always seems to think they can overcome her fear and try to come over and make it better, which only makes it MUCH worse.  I also called the sauce "Chicken-fil-A sauce" when I was ordering because that is what Avery calls it and she looked at me really funny!

A few pics of my SEVEN year old in his new birthday outfit! 

Time for some silly faces... 

Dinner at Chuck-A-Rama!  Grandma Boman was up for a dental appointment and got to join us, too.  Logan originally wanted to go to Pizza Pie Cafe, but changed his mind a few times throughout the day.  He was excited to "get his buffet on!"

Crazy Avery eating some chicken

Dad and Logan
Mom, Logan and Baby Bronson
Then it was home for some LATE night cake and ice cream!  This is a little bit silly to do since we just had dessert at the restaurant and we were all stuffed, but I feel like you can't have a birthday without cake and candles!  I had to make the cake in between all the other festivities of the day and I ran out of frosting.  It was definitely the WORST cake I have ever made, but no one really ate it anyway...It was mostly just so we could do candles.  Silly, I know...

Getting ready to blow out candles

The kids with the cake

The next day Logan was up early waiting for his package to come.  When it finally did, he was SO happy and got to building right away! 

Tha Samurai Mech
He told us he set a record for putting together a lego set of this size. 
I think it is safe to say he had another good birthday.  We still had plans for a party with his friends in a few more days.  We like to drag out the parties!  We LOVE our Logan and I hate how quickly he is growing up.  But I am also so proud of what a great little boy he is becoming.  Happy Birthday Bud! 

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