Thursday, September 6, 2012

Some Rolls...

Since I am so far behind in posting pics on the blog, it would appear like Bronson is still a sweet, tiny little newborn.  But he is actually now 4 months old and putting on the pounds!  I love my chunky little guy!  He went for his 4 month check-up last week (August 30) and we had some bets on how much he would weigh.  He was in the 92% at his 2 month appointment and weighed 13 lbs 15 oz!  I guessed 16 lbs 8 oz.  I was wrong!  17 lbs 2 oz!!!  Holy cow that is a big baby!!!  However, that did drop him down to the 86%.  He also was 26 1/4 inches long (88%) and his head was in the 80% (43 1/2).  So I guess he is very proportional.  And very cute.  And sweet!  He is the best baby!  He is always smiling and starting to laugh a lot and I love it!  If only he would sleep more than 2 hours at a time at night...
Not the most flattering pic, but here he is at the Dr showing off all his sweet meat!  I love his chub!  It is just so kissable!!!

And, since we are on the subject of baby rolls, Bronson has now accomplished another first - Rolling!  He can roll from his tummy to his back.  He probably would have done this sooner if I would put him on his tummy more, but he hates it so I don't do it that often.  Yesterday morning (Sept 5), he was playing on his back with some toys and I noticed he was ALMOST rolled onto his tummy.  His whole body was over except for his head.  It actually looked a little creepy.  I think with all that chub and his kind of big head, its a lot of work to get himself all the way over or he would have it easy!  Anyway, he was getting upset by being stuck like that so I rolled him onto his tummy and then he flipped right over onto his back.  And then he did it about 4 times in a row!  Then I got out the video camera and he was DONE but he did do it several times.  And once he was on his tummy, he seemed to like it a little more than before because he was so much better at holding his head up.  And he seemed to want to go!  AHHH!!!  I am NOT ready for that!  He was grabbing onto the carpet and trying to pull himself and kicking with his legs like crazy!  Maybe all that chub will be too hard to move and he will stay put a little longer.  Or maybe we will have another little mover and shaker at our house soon!   He has already perfected his "back crawl" where when he is on his back, he arches and pushes off with his feet and he can cover a lot of ground that way and manages to spin himself around pretty good. 

UPDATE:  This morning, (September 7) Bronson rolled from his back to his tummy!  He had to work really hard but he did it!  

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