Friday, September 7, 2012


Last week, (August 30th) Rylee went to her FIRST day of kindergarten!  She has been SO excited!  Especially since Logan started school.  She has been waiting and waiting...not so patiently either!  She went to her little testing thing the day after Logan started and did great!  Here she is all ready for her testing in one of her new, cute school outfits.

 I could tell that even though she was excited, she was also a bit nervous because she was acting a little funny during pictures.  She is such a smartie that I had no worries about her test.  She starting reading tons lately and whenever I can't find her, she is somewhere reading a book!  She did really well with her little test and loved meeting her teacher and reading in the little tent she had set up while the teacher talked to me about a couple things.  She has been really excited about her new clothes and everything that goes along with school.  She got some tennis shoes that spin and she thinks they are the coolest thing ever.  She wanted to buy school supplies every time we went to the store.  Sad for her all she needed was a new pencil box!  Not too exciting to pick out!  She even let me put curlers in her hair the night before her first day and wore them to bed, which she hates, so I know she was excited!

She was up bright and early on the day school started and so excited to get ready for school!  We got her curlers out and dressed in her new outfit (which she changed her mind about SEVERAL times and ended up with not my first choice...)  She had pancakes for breakfast and we took TONS of pictures.  She usually is really good with pictures but today she started to get a little upset!  We were running a little late and I think it stressed her out a bit.  She didn't even want a blessing from Daddy because she was in a hurry and was sure it would make her late, so we decided we could do that later.  She said the prayer on breakfast and it was so cute.  She asked that she would have a good day at school and that she could find a friend at recess and that she would do well and be good.  It was very sweet!  Here are some of the MANY pictures we took of her first day!!!  She is getting to be so grown-up!


These were supposed to be a sample of her cute little writing, but they are really hard to see.  We will have to do marker next time!
 Both kiddos headed to school for the first time together!  Can't believe they are so big now! 

We drove her to school and I walked right her to her classroom while Daddy stayed in the car with the little ones.  First, we had some hugs and a few more pictures.... 

Hugs from Mommy and Daddy

My two BIG kids at school!  

I took her to her classroom and she walked right in there.  She wasn't worried or shy or anything.  The last week or so she has been acting really silly at times, I think because she is pretty nervous.  But today she was great.  She took her name off the little board and answered the little survey they had and then found her seat and started working on these little peg boards.  They had a picture they were supposed to copy with the pegs.  She said that was one of her favorite things of the day.  Then I decided to leave.  She wasn't sad at all.  I wanted her to need me just a little bit, but she didn't.  I asked her later if she missed me at all and she said no.  I said even just a tiny bit and she said she was having too much fun.  I guess that is a good thing that she is confident enough to go to school without needing me, but it did hurt my mommy pride just a little... When I took Logan the first day, I was a mess!  Perhaps it was a lot of fear of the unknown.  This time was much better.  I did shed just a couple tears walking back to the car, but it was much easier.  I think it helped that I knew her teacher and how fabulous she is (she was Logan's teacher) and that she knows so many little friends in her class already.  I also think it helped that I have done it before and it wasn't as hard to do it again.  And that I'm hoping it will help the amount of fighting between Rylee and Avery. 
Rylee outside her classroom.  The great thing is that is is right across from Logan's.  
 Rylee and her awesome teacher! 
Rylee sitting at her desk

 Rylee rode the bus home from school and I met her at the bus stop.  It was raining!  Not the most fun way to start school!  She was happy to use her new butterfly umbrella.  She was very excited and said she had a great day.  Avery was very happy to see her!  She told me lots of things about school - so different from Logan.  She sat by Madi and Alli on the bus on the way home and played with Kylie at recess and "chased boys"!  Yikes!  One of the first things she told me when she got off the bus that she was a little sad about was "no painting!"  That is what she is looking forward to most about kindergarten - art projects!  She was so cute when she got off the bus holding hands with her little friend, Kylie.  She was also very mad when she found out that some kids had actually ridden the bus to school that day.  She wanted to know why she HAD to go with me (I hadn't given her that option...) and said she would like to ride the bus from now on. 

 Rylee getting off her bus for the first time! 
Cute sisters - Avery really missed her big sis while she was at school! 

I loved listening to Rylee tell me about school.  I heard more from her about what she did at school in one day than from Logan in a whole year!  She was so excited and had so much to say!  She told me all about how they had to hunt for Mr Bear.  They went to the gym, they went outside, they went in the lunch room and computers and the library and they finally found him back in the class room with a special snack - animal cookies - for them!  She told me Logan came into her class at the end of the day (his classroom is across the hall and he goes to lunch about the time she finishes...) and asked if she was good.  Another favorite part of her day was reading the book, "The Kissing Hand".  She really liked it and she was excited to show me her little stamp in the palm of her hand that was supposed to be her kiss.  She told me that the drinking fountain was IN THE SINK and thought that was hilarious!  She said she made friends with the boy who sat next to her, but she didn't know his name.  (We now know his name is Colby and she told me on day 2 that he "is almost in LOVE with me").  She also told me what table all her little friends sat on.  She told me about the bathroom in their classroom and how they share it with the other kindergarten class and she told me you can't flush paper towels down the toilet.  During lunch, she also told Darren and I about how her class had gone in the bathroom and the teacher told them the guy who cleans the bathrooms doesn't like to clean up pee and when the boys stand up they can't pee on the walls because that is gross, so the boys are supposed to sit down, too.  Her facial expressions were awesome.  Then she said a boy peed his pants all over the floor!  Sounds like an exciting day!  She said she couldn't talk on the bus but I think she was being silly!

When Daddy got home from work just after lunch, we went for ice cream, since that is a first day of school tradition at our house.  We let her pick a place to go for ice cream and she picked Charlie's because she wanted REAL bubble gum ice cream.  She loved it and all the special attention today.  She is very excited for when they can go to computers but a little bummed that they have to wait until January.  and she was REALLY excited that they were going to eat lunch at school at the end of the year. 
Being silly eating her bubble gum ice cream

Avery got lucky enough to go along, too. 

So, she had a GREAT first day and is loving school!  Yeah for Kindergarten!  And, one Day 2, she wore the outfit we originally planned for the first day of school, so I had to take a few more pictures.  Her poor face was a bit swollen because she rolled off the couch the day before and smacked her jaw and it got a bit swollen.  She still looks darn cute!  I should take pics of her everyday for the first couple weeks.  I love her school clothes!  If only it were so much fun to shop for me!
Rylee ready for Kindergarten - Day 2!

Headed off to the bus stop together for the first time! 

Rylee is LOVING everything about Kindergarten!  On her 3rd day of school, (the day after Labor Day) she brought home homework for the first time and she was SO excited!  She got off the bus with the biggest grin and yelled to me "Guess what mom?  I have HOMEWORK!!!" and then while I was chatting with the other moms, she was very upset that we weren't headed home to get it done.  I hope that lasts!  She has also started bringing home little books to read and is passing them off great.  I think she is going to be a great little student!  We love our Kindergarten girl!

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