Friday, July 13, 2012

Recent Funnies

Here are a few recent funnies that the kids have said or done.  I wish I was better at documenting them because my kids are coming up with some pretty funny stuff all the time!

This morning at breakfast, Logan told Rylee he had a nightmare last night.  He told her that he was standing on a cliff and she wanted to "get rid of him", so she pushed him off.  He was telling her how he was climbing and climbing to get back up and she interrupted him and said, "And then I stepped on your fingers and kicked your hands back down".   Logan said that wasn't part of the dream.  Maybe this is only funny if you know these 2 and their personalities, but Darren and I found it hilarious!

Tonight we were reading scriptures.  Right before the kids were playing Ninjago and were kind of in that mode.  They are a tad obsessed right now.  Avery was reading her verse and it said something about the Lord.  She quickly said, "Not Lord Garmadon".  (He's a Ninjago character...)

Logan refers to me feeding Bronson as "milking".  For example, he will say "Has Bronson been milked yet?"  or "Are you milking Bronson now?"  Not sure if this is funny or offensive since he is referring to me as a cow...

Avery is a bit obsessed with boobs since the baby came home and I have been nursing him.  She now lifts up her shirt to feed her babies and tells me, "He's eating my boobies."

The other day, we were driving in the car.  Darren has this book from high school with lots of random facts and world records and stuff in it and Logan loves reading it.  He had it in the back seat and asked, "Hey dad.  What is Grandpa Bill's real name?"  Darren said, "William."  Logan said, "Are you sure its not Andrew?"  Darren said, "No"  Logan said, "Well, Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote Phantom of the Opera.  Are you sure he's not your uncle or something?  He has 2 of the same names as Grandpa."

The other day Darren was making Macaroni and Cheese for the kids' lunch.  Logan referred to the uncooked macaroni as stale.  Darren explained that they were just uncooked, not stale.  He told him that things that were stale were really old.  Logan said, "Oh.  So, you are a little bit stale?"

Darren went in to tuck Logan into bed the other night and commented on the smell in his room.  Logan said, "Yeah, I've been giving my self a chuckwagon!"  (Darren taught him how to do a covered wagon with his sheets....)

The other morning at breakfast, Rylee commented that it smelled bad.  She and Logan then determined that it smelled like "dad's toots".  I told them Daddy was already at work and Rylee said, "Well, he must have left some toots behind."

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