Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Rylee is now officially 4 AND a half. My kids always like to hit that point where they can add the half to their ages. These pictures prove it! She is growing up much too quickly!!! We love our little Princess!

She insisted on picking the BIGGEST bow the photographer had! So Rylee!Rylee is either my best helper or the BIGGEST stinker depending on her mood. She is very independent and very stubborn and has a strong opinion on pretty much everything, especially her clothes. She has started school and dance class and is loving both! She is our little artist and is constantly drawing. Lately, she has been into writing too and we spend all day spelling everything for her so she can write letters to people or "No boys allowed" signs for her room several times a day. Rylee has a big heart. She always wants people to be happy. She also has a bit of a temper! She loves her little sister... a little too much sometimes... and is constantly playing with her (and bossing her...) and is very motherly with her, which isn't always tolerated too well. She asks for a different bedtime song every night and her choices usually crack me up! They can range from I am a Child of God to Disney Princess songs to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (that is a favorite of hers year round!) Some of her favorites right now are preschool, dance class, dressing up, coloring, writing letters, the movie Annie, Tangled, anything Princess, pink and purple, playdoh, Olivia, Strawberry Shortcake and playdates with her friends.

Monday, November 14, 2011


So, I haven't really gotten better at blogging.... But, I do have some VERY cute new pics to share! These are Avery's 2 year pictures. I am in LOVE! She was being a stinker when we got there and wanted nothing to do with photo taking, but between her little stuffed monkey and our fabulous photographer Katie working her magic, there are some great shots. I actually ended up going back and getting family ones done the very next week because I LOVED the place where we took them so much. I know that she is MY little girl, but seriously.... Isn't she the cutest???

I still can't believe this baby girl is TWO years old! She is my BABY! It doesn't seem possible. She is very much a do-it-yourself girl these days and wants to do everything the big kids do. She talks non-stop, although not all of it can be understood. She loves all things Disney since our trip and knows all the character names. She doesn't go anywhere without her stuffed monkey, Coconut, or To-co-nut, as she calls it. Some of her favorites right now are coloring, playing puppies, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Elmo, Barney, dancing, Woody, Buzz and Jessie, singing and baby dolls. She is always putting them to sleep and trying to change diapers. We love our sweet little girl!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Beautiful Girls

So, blogging hasn't really happened lately. Along with a lot of other things... Cooking, house cleaning, laundry, working for Darren.... really I am SO far behind on everything and I don't know where to start to catch up. I know the holidays will be crazy though so I really am trying to get back on top of things. I debated just stopping my blogging addiction so that I could focus on other things, but I just can't.... It is my one way to keep a family journal and I actually love doing it and love having so many things down about my cute kids that I can look back on and all our memories. So, I am back and hoping to do better!

While I am trying to decide where to begin on my months of being behind, here are a few pictures of my beautiful girls that were taken a couple weeks ago before all the leaves were gone and it was freezing cold outside. I love how cute they are together in the pictures. It doesn't always go that way when they are playing together at home, but they are the best of friends, even if they do fight most of the day. They love each other and are starting to play together more and more and I love watching it. Rylee is constantly helping Avery and mothering her, which is not always appreciated by Avery, but they do try to get along. Lately, there has been a lot of playing Annie, puppies and family. I will answer to Avery calling for "mom" only to find out she is really calling for Rylee because they are playing something. And for some reason, I have frequently become Grandma Ali. I have no idea where that came from, but that is my name in their world of make believe! These girls make me happy and since it is the month of gratitude, I just want to say how grateful I am for them and the joy (and sometimes stress!) they bring to our home!

Stay tuned.... I have more individual pics of the girls still to come!