Monday, November 14, 2011


So, I haven't really gotten better at blogging.... But, I do have some VERY cute new pics to share! These are Avery's 2 year pictures. I am in LOVE! She was being a stinker when we got there and wanted nothing to do with photo taking, but between her little stuffed monkey and our fabulous photographer Katie working her magic, there are some great shots. I actually ended up going back and getting family ones done the very next week because I LOVED the place where we took them so much. I know that she is MY little girl, but seriously.... Isn't she the cutest???

I still can't believe this baby girl is TWO years old! She is my BABY! It doesn't seem possible. She is very much a do-it-yourself girl these days and wants to do everything the big kids do. She talks non-stop, although not all of it can be understood. She loves all things Disney since our trip and knows all the character names. She doesn't go anywhere without her stuffed monkey, Coconut, or To-co-nut, as she calls it. Some of her favorites right now are coloring, playing puppies, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Elmo, Barney, dancing, Woody, Buzz and Jessie, singing and baby dolls. She is always putting them to sleep and trying to change diapers. We love our sweet little girl!

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