Sunday, November 14, 2010

Moments with Logan

Oh how I love my Logan! He is so full of life and energy! He said one of the funniest things today - We were driving home from church and out of nowhere, he says, "How old will Jesus be this Christmas?" It took a second for me to really think what he was talking about, but then it clicked that Christmas is Jesus' birthday. I thought it was hilarious because I had never thought of it that way. He is such a funny boy!!!
The last 2 days with him have been so entertaining! On Friday night, Darren took Logan to the Utah State-Weber State hockey game. Logan was in heaven! He loved the whole thing and had a great time. Darren had really good seats close to the ice, but Logan was nervous to sit that close for some reason, so they moved a little further up, but then they were by the tunnel and the Fog machine, and Logan wasn't too sure about that either. Darren said he really paid attention the whole time and cheered and he even remembered a lot of the players names and jersey numbers afterward. He woke up Saturday morning bright and early and started playing a hockey game in the toy room quite loudly. It was a pretty funny thing to wake up to! The kid has a career in Sports Broadcasting ahead of him! He talks just like the announcers at the game and has the same inflections in his voice and remembers all the players name. He even came up with his own team and started inserting his friends and himself as the players. For example, he would say "For the Aggies, #45, Logan WEBBER!!!" just like the Utah State announcer. I love it! He went through most of his little friends doing the same thing. I love it! He also is always keeping score on either the little easel with his number magnets in the toy room or on a piece of paper, and then he crosses it out and changes to the new score. It is pretty funny how entertained he can be by this.
Last night, we went to the Utah State-Weber State basketball game. (Yes...we are BIG Aggie supporters.) He loved it and was jumping up and down and cheering the WHOLE game like the Energizer bunny! I don't know how he does it! The people who sit in front of us are older and a little ornery and they kept giving us VERY annoyed looks the whole game. It is too bad for them, too because we have season tickets and will probably be bothering them all season long! Logan was VERY into it and did every chant, including "I believe that we will win" and "Winning Team, Losing Team" (If you have never attended a Utah State game, you should check those chants out on YouTube. They are quite impressive!) His daddy was SO proud! He didn't even have a voice today because he was cheering SO much!
Today at church, there was a new little boy in Primary who happens to be in Logan's school class and Logan was ecstatic! He was there last week, but we were out of town, so we missed him being there. When they asked if there were any visitors, Logan jumped out of his seat and raised his hand, but the Primary President didn't see him quickly enough, so he ran up to the front of the room and announced that there was a new boy, and then grabbed the little boy and tried to pull him up. They had to explain that he was already introduced. It was pretty funny. I think he jumped for most of Primary because he was so excited. People kept asking me what he ate because he was pretty hyper. He was quite sad though when he found out that he wasn't in the same class as Carter, but he did sit with him through all of opening exercises and they were so funny. They would just look at each other every once in awhile and hug. Too cute!
Tonight, Logan couldn't fall asleep because he kept coming down and telling us he really needed a clock in his bedroom so he knew what time he needed to wake up. He is such a funny boy about some things.
Tonight we were talking with some friends and telling a few funny stories about kids and one came up about Logan that I don't think I ever journaled. About a year and a half ago (May 2009), we were at a really good friend's 30th birthday roast. Someone came in and told us that our child was outside with no clothes. Sure enough, Logan was in the neighbors sandbox, completely naked! When Darren went over to talk to him, he explained that it was Ok, because he was camouflaged and no one could see him. Oh, I love my Logan!!!

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