Sunday, April 26, 2009


After a REALLY long and dramatic week, we are F I N A L L Y moving into our new house and are so happy about it!
On Monday, (2 days before closing) we got a phone call from the bank saying that our loan couldn't go through!!! This was less than 48 hours before we were supposed to close and the idiot had NO idea that we were closing in 2 days, and that hadn't even looked at our file until then! I ended up bawling and asked the guy what we were supposed to do, and his response was that he wouldn't charge us for our appraisal and hopefully our realtor would be a nice guy and refund our earnest money. HELLO!!! We were going to be out a lot more than that! We already had appliances being delivered and had no place to live in a few days! After a few phone calls, I called him back to suggest a solution and he said the loan was back on and we could close on Wednesday as planned. I was so bugged that he had not suggested a solution, but I had to figure something out on my own. Doesn't he want us to use them for a loan???
Tuesday morning, I called to check on things and he tells me that he is meeting with the underwriters to see if this is going to work. That is after he told me that everything was good to go! I was SO frustrated at this point, but there had been 6 other offers on the house since ours was accepted, so it was really too late to try and change lenders or anything. He called a little later to say he had 2 of 3 signatures and was just waiting on the last one and everything looked great. Then a few hours later he called to tell me that they had entered some information wrong and now things weren't going to work again! At least this time, he offered another solution and we were able to work around it, but we were going to be pushed back on our close. The kicker to me was a phone call from the bank on Thursday saying that we weren't going to get the state grant we had applied for because now we made TOO much money! It didn't make any sense! It almost became funny to me!
After a few more hangups, the bank finally pushed our application through and thanks to a great title company, we were able to close, fund and record on Friday, which isn't very common, and get keys and start moving in! My mom took the kids for the night on Friday so we were able to get a lot done this weekend. We took the kids over to the house today and they are really excited about the house! They love having space to play and think the new house is so great! They were a little confused when they came home from Grandma's and some of their stuff was missing....especially Rylee's kitchen. She was pretty stressed over it! We are really excited to be settled and even MORE excited to be done with all the loan stuff and will be even MORE excited when we are through with moving!!!
In other news, I have started feeling the little baby in my tummy move this week. (The first time was Thursday, April 24th). I guess all this stress and craziness has the little one going crazy, too!!! Our ultrasound is scheduled for May 13th and we are very excited to find out if it is a little girl or little boy!


Clark Family said...

I'm jealous you're feeling your baby. I still haven't felt anything. Yea on the move! We want to come help, maybe Tuesday we can.

Jenn said...

This is awesome. The baby part. I'm sad you're moving, but since we're moving too, I guess it's ok...
Glad you got your house. It looks beautiful!

Unknown said...

Brooke, I found your blog from Allison and Jake's. Your kids are so cute. Really SO SO cute! Rylee's a doll. Congratulations on the new house and the new baby. The pictures of your new house are breathtaking! It's gorgeous! Where are you living?

Tiffany Hood