Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Weekend with the Webber Fam!

We spent the weekend after New Year's with Darren's family doing some really fun things! We went to Brian and Val's house to watch the Utes in the Sugar Bowl the day after New Year's. It was a great time! It was one of the rare times that I cheered for the Utes and was excited that they won! The kids had a great time playing around with all their cousins and we had lots of yummy food. Here are a couple of my cute sister-in-laws - I was trying out my smile feature on my camera....
AprilValRylee loves going to Uncle Brian and Aunt "Balerie's" house! She was having so much fun! I thought these pictures of her were so cute!
Rylee and her cousin Haley. She LOVES Haley and is always asking if Haley is going to be there when we go to family stuff. They have fun playing together and Haley is so sweet with her!Rylee also insisted on having her picture taken with her "big baby"! She LOVES this baby of Lauren's and hauled it all around the house when we were there and anytime we see Aunt Val now she asks for "big baby".
Uncle Brian showed Rylee how to throw snowballs and she thought that was the funniest thing and wanted to keep doing it!
There are no pictures of Logan because he was running around the whole time, or crying! He got shot in the eye by a Nerf dart and was SO upset about it! He was shot really close so I think it did hurt pretty bad, but I think he was more sad that the little boy that shot him (not a cousin) did not say sorry. He just kept saying over and over "He didn't even say sorry, he didn't even say sorry, Mom!" It was really sad! When we left, he also threw the worst temper tantrum I have EVER seen him have over taking a balloon with him! WOW! I didn't even know what to do because he doesn't act that way ever.... I think it was a result of too many late nights!

We stayed at Darren's parents house that night and the next morning is when the kids opened their Christmas gifts, which I have already posted. Then we went to lunch at 5 guys Burgers and Fries with them and did a little shopping and then we went to Cabela's. The kids had a great time there! Logan and Daddy with the polar bear. Logan thought this place was great, but he wanted to only call it Bass Pro Shops, since that is where we always used to go in Las Vegas.
Rylee and Daddy with the zebraI think the highlight of the day was seeing the big fish tanks! They loved this and could have stayed all day! My camera was doing something weird so all these pictures turned out a little funny...
Logan told me this was his fishy face!

After Cabela's, we met most of Darren's family at a restaurant called Chadder's in American Fork. It is an In-N-Out copycat and really yummy! Then it was off to the Wake Forest - BYU basketball game in Provo. Darren's brother, Curt, was recently accepted to Wake Forest for his MBA program and will be moving there this summer, so he wanted us to all go and cheer for Wake Forest and got us t-shirts and everything. The whole family - Its a little hard to see but we took up the whole row! The Marriott Center was REALLY full and REALLY hot!!! It was gross up there. They really pack the people in there - Darren said it holds more people than the Delta Center but it is nowhere near as big...just really crowded!!!Rylee looking cute!Our fam! We cheered for Wake Forest, but we really were hoping for BYU to win. I hate the ACC schools and if BYU won, it would help Utah State, since their only loss was to BYU. BYU played pretty good, but ended up losing. My niece Raegan was the cutest little Wake Forest fan!Logan and Rylee enjoying some popcorn. This popcorn was quite a fiasco! Logan wanted a Popsicle like his cousin had, so we went to get one and walked ALL the way around the Marriott Center only to find they had closed the Popsicle booth, so we tried to walk back to the Snowie booth, but it was closed, too. The only place that was open was the popcorn, so we settled for that (after some crying). It must have been sitting the whole game because it was gross, but the kids didn't seem to mind!
We got out of the game as quick as we could because we had to drive ALL the way back to Logan that night to make it back for church the next day. It was a really busy weekend but lots of fun with the family!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

I love Rylee's clothes. I wish I could dress as cute as her.