Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Excuses, Excuses...

So, my blog has been very neglected yet again.  And just when I was starting to make some progress.  This is for a lot of reasons.  And I think they are actually pretty valid excuses this time.  We went to the Happiest Place on Earth last month.  It was FABULOUS!  We left the day after Thanksgiving and we had SO much fun!  It was our favorite trip there ever.  And we have been a lot!  The only thing that made it less than perfect was some rain, but that did help with the crowds and lines.  But, Christmas time there was just so different and felt even more magical than usual, if that is even possible.  We loved it!  And Cars Land was totally amazing!  I could have spent our entire trip just there.  So fun!  It was like being in the movie!

So, that is my big excuse.  The weeks before the trip were busy making autograph books and matching shirts because I am weird like that and sneaking around to pack because it was a surprise.  I even stayed up ALL night the night before we left making last minute preparations and finishing up some special surprises for the LONG car ride.  I think it was worth it.  Last time we surprised them with a Disney trip there were tears, but this time was much happier. No tears - only cheering!  Yay!

We have been back for just over a week and I can't seem to find time to get anything done.  I am still trying to find time to finish up the last of the unpacking and the mountains of laundry and then there is a little thing called CHRISTMAS coming up and it is just keeping me busy.  I still haven't made cards and I didn't have all my stuff up when we got home and there are activities and parties to go to.  Oh, and a teething baby that NEVER wants to be put down.  So, those are my excuses.  Maybe they aren't that good.  But, someday I hope to get this darn blog caught up!  Someday....

For now, here is a picture of our trip.  I took over 1000 so I will hopefully post more someday.  Although while going through some things, I discovered I never even posted our Disney trip from LAST year!  I am SO bad at this...

 I miss this place! 

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