Friday, November 5, 2010

Fabulous FOURTH!!!

Wow! I keep thinking that I am making a dent on catching up the blog, and then I end up further behind than ever!!! FOUR months ago, we had lots of fun celebrating the FOURTH of July! Here is what we did with our FOUR day weekend!!!

Since the 4th fell on a Sunday this year, it seemed like all the celebrations were on different days, and we ended up doing LOTS of celebrating!!! It started on Friday night, the 2nd, with our favorite Cache Valley fireworks. We usually go to the stadium, but we decided to try watching them from our backyard, and it was great. We have a perfect view. We had my parents and little brothers over for a little BBQ and hung out on our NEW patio and did sparklers and watched the fireworks. They even play the music on the radio, so we could hear the music they play in the stadium, and then we didn't have to wait in our car for 2 hours for the parking lot to clear!!! It was awesome!
Logan and Rylee chowing down at our BBQ. They LOVE watermelon!!!

Avery enjoying some food on the patio in her bumbo

Logan excited to do some sparklers

My little brother Kyle. Isn't he cute?

Rylee LOVED the sparklers!!!

Cute kids with their sparklers - Poor Avery was already in bed by this point. That was part of the advantages of staying home!

Watching the fireworks in our comfy lounge chairs. Much better than the concrete stadium seats! This just might be our new tradition.

Daddy and Ry

On Saturday, we headed to Darren's brother's house for a little more celebrating with his family. His brother and his family were in town from North Carolina so we were excited to see them. We ate lots of yummy food and just sat around and watched the kids play in the backyard. It was great!!!
It is impossible to get all 3 kids to look at the camera!!!

This little miss had her FIRST 4th of July!!!

Our 4th of July Princess. She HAD to have this crown!!!

My handsome Logan Bogan

My 2 favorite girls!
Rylee and Raegan! They are the cutest friends and have so much fun together! I wish they got to see each other more!
Whenever we go to Brian's, the kids LOVE to jump on the tramp!!!

Logan also LOVES their ping pong table! I think he even hit the ball once or twice.
Avery LOVED their dog, Raja. She doesn't look like it in this picture though. She did follow her around most of the day, and laughed at her funny kisses. It is a good thing other people have dogs for my kids to play with. Then, I don't have to get one!
Sunday was the 4th. The girls wore their cute dresses to church. I love holidays and fun holiday clothes! This dress was Rylee's and it is one of my favorites. Avery looked so cute!
Big smiles!
Standing up
My cute girls
All 3 - They look like they are being tortured...which they pretty much are....

Yeah!!! A decent one!
Our friends invited us over for some homemade ice cream and a few fireworks that night. We had a great time. They even finished the fireworks show with the neighbors cop car with all the lights on. The kids loved it! These girls are so darn cute! Sarah, Rylee and Madi

All 4 girls - Avery, Sarah, Rylee and Madi
Logan enjoying his ice cream - Don't you love his outfit? He picked it himself! He wanted as much RED as possible and he loved it so much, I couldn't make him change, even if it did totally clash. I also love his crossed legs - such a little man!
Morgan and Logan - cute little buddies!
Avery watching her first fireworks! She was pretty tired, but she seemed to enjoy them. She wasn't too sure about the noise.

Rylee and her ice cream
Avery's first sparkler
Not looking too sure...
We spent the morning of July 5th at the Dr for well check appointments for Logan and Avery. I made the appointments at Avery's 6 month appointment in April and didn't realize it was kind of a holiday until it was too late to change it. Oh well! Logan did great with his eye test and no shots for him! Yeah!!!
Avery didn't need any shots either. I think she weighed in right around 18 lbs - I need to find the paper for their exact measurements...
After the Dr. appointments, me and the kids went to the Hyrum Parade. Darren had to work. His office didn't really realize it was a holiday until they already had several patients, so they didn't want to reschedule. It ended up being a bad day for work because nobody showed up. We missed him at the parade but had lots of fun with our friends, Summer and Sky. Here are the kids waving. They love the parades!
Me and Miss Avery - I think this might just be her first parade...
Logan and Rylee ready to scavenge some candy! Rylee is fearless when it comes to collecting the candy and about gave me a heart attack a few times because she would run pretty far out into the street.

Rylee with her mouth full of candy! She would stuff it in almost as fast as she would pick it up. I love this girl!

Avery enjoying a messy lunch!
Me and my cute kiddies!

Avery playing with her sunglasses instead of wearing them!
Rylee giving some serious attitude. Can you say DIVA???
I finally got the glasses on her face...for a second!
Cute girlies!
What a fun day! We love a parade!!!

Wow!!! What a busy weekend! When I started this post, I had no idea how much celebrating we really did or I would have split it up! We had a great 4th! (and 2nd and 3rd and 5th....) Yeah for fun holidays!!!


Karmann said...

It was fun to think about summertime again! Oh how I miss it!!! You guys always know how to celebrate the Holidays! Miss ya!

Clark Family said...

Thought by the title of this post, you were making an announcement!!:)