Monday, April 6, 2009

Announcing Some Expansions....

I haven't been too great at keeping up on my blog lately (or much of anything else in my life either!!!) I have been meaning to get this post done for a couple of weeks, but things have been crazy and I have a few good excuses for not getting to it. By now, most of you have already heard our news, but in case you haven't, we have some exciting news!!! (It would have been MORE exciting if it was posted awhile ago, but what can you do???) Anyway....
We are E X P A N D I N G our home in a few ways....

First of all, we are expanding our home by 2 FEET (baby feet that is....) and growing from 4 Webbers to 5! We are adding Baby #3 and are really excited for our latest addition! I am now 16 weeks along, and finally starting to feel back to normal...besides my ever growing tummy! I think I'm going to be HUGE this time! This has been my hardest pregnancy so far, maybe because I am taking care of 2 little ones, but I can't complain too much. I don't super sick - I don't throw up a lot (just when I brush my teeth!!!) I am mostly just really nauseous and SO tired! I fall asleep on the couch at like 9 every night!!!
We found out in late January that we were expecting and decided that we should keep it a secret for awhile. I took the pregnancy test and it IMMEDIATELY showed a positive, so there were no doubts or retests this time! Somehow, we managed to keep our secret until mid-March before we really told anyone, which is a major accomplishment for me to keep my mouth shut!

Baby Webber #3 is due
October 2, 2009,
but will probably make an earlier appearance. I have scheduled C-Sections due to complications in previous pregnancies, so they have already moved me up a week, and it is very likely that I will be moved up another week or 2 before all is said and done. So, we are expecting this baby to join our family in mid-late September and we are SO excited!!! My sister is due September 14 with her first, so it should make things really interesting in our family! It will be so great for my kids to have a Boman cousin and for this baby to have a cousin SO close!

We announced our great news to our families in Mid-March by wearing these fun shirts to a couple family functions. If you can't tell, Logan's shirt says "Thing 1", Rylee's says "Thing 2" and mine says "Thing 3". I have always done something fun to announce my pregnancy and felt like we had to continue the trend for this new baby, so they could feel special, too. Darren actually came up with the shirt idea and made them on the computer. I thought they turned out really cute and I think we will make a new Thing 3 shirt for the baby when they are born! I think our family's were a little surprised, but not too much. I think they have been expecting an announcement from us soon anyway. Here is the 1st ultrasound at about 12 weeks. Isn't our little peanut cute? I thought I wanted this baby to be a surprise since we already have one of each, but I can't take it! I have to know the sex of the baby!!! We can find out in a few weeks and I am really anxious! Poor Logan wants a BOY so bad! He is so funny - If we say, "What if its a girl?" he responds with "What if its a boy!" and if we talk about names, he only wants to talk about boy names! (So far, his best suggestion has been Phineas or Ferb....hmmm...not sure those are going to work!) If we say it might be a sister, he tells us that he already has one! I think Rylee is enough to try his patience at times and he isn't too excited about the idea of another girl in the family. I hope he isn't too heartbroken if the news is different.... Logan and Rylee are both pretty excited about the baby! Besides wanting a boy, Logan is also very interested in the size of the baby and wants to know how big the baby is all the time. I have a little book that compares the baby to fruit, so we have gone from "the baby is the size of a lime" to a lemon and now an apple and I think it will be something different today. He is really funny about being careful around my belly and likes to talk to the baby in this soft, sweet voice and pat my tummy - it is very cute! Rylee LOVES babies and I am a little worried for this baby's safety with her around - I think she will try to carry it, feed it, burp it and change its diaper all by herself, which would be great if she was a little bigger, but at her size, it might be a little dangerous! Both kids went to my first ultrasound and loved seeing the baby on the screen and Rylee talks about it all the time. She tells everyone that "Mommy go to doctor and he check her baby in her belly." She is also convinced that SHE has a baby in her tummy, too, so that could get interesting when it is time for delivery! The Dr was very cute with the kids at my appointment and even gave them each their own ultrasound picture, which they loved and thought was so special.

We feel so blessed to have another little one, and a little overwhelmed! #3 means being outnumbered and buying a new vehicle and needing some more space, but I am sure that everything will work out great and I know that these little ones are so worth all the worry and effort and money that it takes to get them here!!!

This brings us to e x p a n s i o n announcement #2.... We are expanding by square feet as well as baby feet! We have purchased a new home and should be moving in a week or two! We are VERY excited to have our first real home with no shared walls or ceilings and a yard and some more space for our family! We had driven by this home a few times and were kind of interested, and then the price dropped, so we decided to check it out. We LOVED it, but with Darren being self-employed, we were having a hard time getting someone to finance us. We got a phone call one day saying there was an offer on the house, so we needed to act quick, so I spent the day on the phone and found someone to finance us and a realtor and we made an offer that afternoon and by 5:00 that night, we were home owners!!! CRAZY how quickly things can happen! We are so excited and love our new house. It is a 2 story with no basement. I love that all the bedrooms are on the same level upstairs. Here are a few pictures of the inside. (I have heard its not a good idea to post outside pictures) It is pretty empty, but it looks much better without our poor dental student furniture anyway and I think it will take us awhile to get it all replaced!This is the view from the upstairs going down - We love this part of the house!Here is the entryFront roomThe kitchen - I am really excited about some more cupboard space and prep space. Maybe I will decide I like to cook.... We are having these appliances taken out and getting stainless steel ones.
The family room
The mud/laundry room - I love these little hooks and shelves for jackets, backpacks and shoes and stuff!Master Bedroom
Master Bathroom
Another bedroom - There are 5 in the house so I even get a scrapbook room! Wahoo!!!The bonus room - I am REALLY excited for this room to have as a play room for the kids! Lots of space for them to run and play!

Now that we have a house, my wish list for things keep growing and growing.... I want lots of new furniture and a million other things! I'm sure it will take a LONG time to get things the way we want, but we are excited to get started! It has been a long road for us to have a home! First on the list for us will be putting in a yard, since it is a new home! Yikes!!! That scares me a little but Darren likes working in the yard, so I think he is pretty excited! Our first project will be sprinklers......I'm sure there will be plenty of posts about this stuff to come! Now for the hard part....MOVING! If I don't post again for awhile, you will know why!


Jess and Tom Francom said...

Wow! Tons of news! Congrats... what an exciting time for your family. Where is the new house? I'm wondering if we will be closer or further....

emily said...

Brookeland- Your new house is amazing!! It looks gorgeous. How fun to move into a brand-spanking-new home and fill it up...good luck with the move. And glad to hear that you're starting to feel better. Seriously, I love your house!

Erica said...

I can't believe it! Webber baby #3! How exciting. You guys have such cute kids, just keep on having them. Love, love, love the house. I can't say that I'm not jealous!! One day in a million years we won't live in a condo or apartment. Your house is beautiful. So much space! And of course a scrapbook room, who could ask for more.

Josh and Bethany said...

Congrats! That so exciting that you have so many new things going on! I hope Logan gets his little brother. BTW, your house is so nice!

jeavin blog said...

Congratulations on both accounts! How exciting to have a new home and a new baby! So, not to be the bearer of bad news, but you do get a lot bigger with the 3rd for some reason, I've heard that the muscles are already stretched out and you just show earlier and grow a little more (in my case my baby was 1.5lbs bigger this time too). Oh well, if that's the worst of it, then it's still a good thing. Besides, once you have that little one in your arms none of that matters anymore.

Mical said...

Congratulations! It is so exciting and scary to make that first home purchase!

Alexis said...

Congratulations on both expansions! How exciting!

I am so jealous of your new home. It is gorgeous. We are trying to get into a house soon. We are also tired of shared walls and no yard. My favorite part of your new house is the mud room. I want one of those one day. Beautiful!

The little peanut is pretty cute too. I wish you the best luck with moving with the three things in tow. :)

Doug and Dawn said...

Congrats on the baby and the new home. Your house is beautiful.

Nick and Stacey said...

Sooo fun! I am so excited for you...your new baby...and your house looks awesome! Yep it will be some crazy weeks for you, but so nice to be in a home of your own! Let me know if you need someone to drop the kid soff to, for a while while you get things kids loved playing with yours...also Mitchell shares a love of phineas and Ferb too!

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Wow, what a beautiful house. All the waiting has paid off. Congratulations and I don't bame you for wanting to find out about the baby.

Jami said...

Congrats! I am so excited for you. I love the shirts, they are so cute. I can't wait to see your house. We will have to come and visit when we come home. We miss you guys.

Annie said...

I know I have already talked to you about both of these new "expansions" but I am so excited for you guys! Jon and I are going to come to SLC for a wedding on May 9th and were thinking if you guys aren't too busy with Moving, Mother's day, ect. then we would LOVE to see you guys. Let us know and I will call you soon!

Anonymous said...

That is some very exciting news! Congratulations on the baby and the new home. :)

Di said...

So, I had heard the house news but missed the baby news. Congratulations! The thought of being outnumbered always scared me. You'll do great! Also, love the new house. It is beautiful and I'm in love with all the wood work!

Clark Family said...

YEA for a new baby and a new home!! We want to come help ya move!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on all of the changes. It is all so exciting. Good luck!

3+Love~aki=Us said...

The house is just BEAUTIFUL!!!!! WOW!! I'm SOO glad everything went through!!