Saturday, February 16, 2008

Valentine's Tag!!!

I've Been Tagged!!! All of the things you didn't want to know about us
I’ve never been tagged before, but I thought this one was fun for Valentine’s Day!

What is his name? Darren Scott Webber, D or Dad… Soon also to be Dr. Webber in a few months which sounds so funny to me for some reason!

How long have you been together? Married 5 years this last December

How long did you date? We actually dated twice – We started dating when Darren got home from his mission for a few months, but he dumped me! Can you believe it? I like to tease him about that! He must have realized his HUGE mistake, because about a year later we started dating again in Nov of 2001 and got engaged in August of 2002 and married in December of 2002! Kind of a long time for the Mormon standard, but it worked for us!

Who eats more? I don’t know – It is probably pretty close! That is probably embarrassing for me, but I can really eat!

Who said I love you first? Darren. I wanted to, but I was a big chicken and wouldn’t say it until he did!

Who is taller? Darren, but not by much! We are about the same height. I guess it depends which shoes I am wearing!

Who has more speeding tickets? Neither of us have any speeding tickets - I have 2 tickets since we have been married, but neither are speeding tickets so I guess they don’t count! My tickets are usually for accidents – YIKES!

Who is smarter? Darren! I could never do all the school that he has done! Plus all the biology and medical stuff I was never any good at. There are probably a few things that I am better at, but he is definitely smarter overall! And since I have children, I think my brain has turned to mush!

Who is more sensitive? Probably me since I am a girl and on some days will randomly cry about anything! I will say that Darren is very sensitive to me though…

When there is a fight who usually wins? No one – We don’t really fight. That sounds lame but it is true! If we are upset about something, we usually give it a day or two and then it just blows over….

Who does the laundry? Me. I have this weird thing with laundry and am a little OCD about what stuff gets washed with what and what gets dried so I don’t like anyone to do it for me! I don’t know why – My whole house can look like a tornado struck, but I am worried about the way the laundry gets done! Go figure!

Who does the dishes? Darren probably does them a little more often. I usually cook and he cleans up, but if he gives the kids their bath, then I do the dishes. Darren is definitely great about helping around the house though and is much more clean than me!

Who sleeps on the right? Me

Who pays the bills? Me – I guess it is the Accounting thing but I actually like doing all that stuff

Who mows the lawn? I hope to SOMEDAY have a lawn! It is on my list of things that I would really LOVE to have (and a garage and a backyard!) I bet that Darren would mow it if we had one – He likes doing the outdoor stuff and gardening and all that. I actually don’t mind mowing the lawn though – It is one of those chores that actually stays done for awhile – Not like cooking and cleaning!

Who cooks dinner? I usually do but Darren is a much better cook than me and actually likes to do it more than I do. He watches cooking shows sometimes and is really interested in all that! He always makes us Saturday morning breakfast and usually does Sunday dinners.

Who drives when you are together? Darren – I hate driving in Vegas!

Who is more stubborn? Probably me…. But I won’t admit it! Ha ha!

Who kissed who first? Darren kissed me. I was not expecting it at all and he was wearing a baseball hat and totally nailed me with the rim of it! A little awkward!!! It makes for a good story though…

Who asked who out first? Darren asked me out. I really wanted to ask him, but was a little stubborn since he had previously dumped me and I refused to do it! So I was really excited when he did ask me! Our first date was to a Best Buddies Dance and then to dinner at Papa Kelsey’s and then we watched the movie “City of Angels”

Who proposed? Darren. I probably brought marriage up first, but Darren was a little weird about it for awhile… About a week before he proposed we went to see the musical “Beauty and the Beast” and everyone thought he would for sure do it then (We had already set our date…) While we were there, he kept talking about all these places he wanted to go look for rings. I was a little upset because I figured he had already worked all of that out and was wondering how long he was going to make me wait! The next weekend, he proposed. He asked me if there was anything I would change about him and when I asked him the same question, he said, “Your last name.” You would think that that would tip me off, but I really thought he hadn’t bought a ring yet (he was very convincing!) and was SO surprised when he pulled the ring out!

Who has more siblings? A Tie! We both have 6 siblings! Darren wins if you count all the in-laws though, since he has 5 married siblings, and I only have one! He also has 16 nieces and nephews on his side and I don’t have any!

Who wears the pants? We are pretty good at sharing them I think. This may partially be because we are both extremely indecisive, but I think it is also because we are good partners and share in all of our decisions – big and small!

Happy Valentine’s Day Babe! I love you and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in life than right here with you and our 2 great kids! I am so lucky!
By the way, we had a really fun Valentine's Day! Logan LOVED frosting (or eating the frosting!!!) cookies with a couple friends and eating all the candy!!! Rylee looked so cute in her Valentine outfit! We went out for Chinese food for dinner, which is always a hit at our house! I wanted to post some of the cute pics I took, but I having some computer issues right now, so maybe they will be coming soon!!!

I don’t know if anyone actually even reads this stuff, but I tag Jenn, Mical, Pat, Dawn, Jennie, Amy and anyone else who reads this and wants to participate!!!

1 comment:

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

I actually do read this. I actually read Eric Ball's tag first and am working on my post. I just haven't finished yet. Love seeing how you are doing. How fun to have family come and visit. Take care.