Sunday, January 27, 2008

New Year's Celebrations

These are the rest of our pictures from our last trip to Utah - It has taken me forever to get them posted, but I am always behind so its nothing new! We had a really fun New Year's. We spent New Year's Eve at Darren's sister and had fun eating treats and hanging out. Logan loved hanging out with Mason and cousin Katey was a little obsessed with baby Rylee.  

 On New Year's Day, we went to my uncle's house for some yummy oil cakes - It is a tradition we have started to do every year and is a lot of fun. My great-grandma used to make them before she died so it is something my uncle started again and we love it! They are SO delicious! They taste a little like a cross between a doughnut and a scone. Rylee even got a hold of one and LOVED it - Especially because it was rolled in sugar! She chewed on it FOREVER and wouldn't let it go! 

We also spent a little time in Cache Valley and saw some friends and went to an Aggies basketball game, which the kids both loved! I thought Rylee would be a little nervous about the noise, but she clapped and cheered louder than most fans and had a great time! Logan was singing the fight song and The Scotsman and cheering, too! It was a lot of fun! 
Playing with our Cache Valley friends - Tanner Ferrin, Sky Olson and Rylee and Logan

Aggie game with Robb and Carlie Lifferth

Rylee, Logan and Olivia Lifferth

 Our kids also both LOVED the snow and Logan even got to go sledding! Anytime he stepped outside, he immediately wanted to throw a snow ball at one of us. He thought the snow was so fun, but he didn't like being cold afterwards. 

We also took some time to visit my Grandpa.  He loves seeing (and teasing the kids...)

 We loved being around all of our family and seeing some friends. Since we have been home, Logan keeps asking to go back to Utah and see his cousins and uncles. He will be so excited to move closer to them!

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