Monday, January 28, 2008

A Sad Day!

I was very saddened tonight when my mom called and told me that President Hinckley had passed away this evening. I guess I knew this day would come some time (he was 97), but I am very sad that we will no longer have the opportunity to hear from him. I have always loved listening to President Hinckley speak and his cute sense of humor and his amazing optimism and incredible love of life! I have always admired so much his zeal for life and how much energy he always seemed to have.
President Hinckley has served as Prophet since I was in high school. These have been some very important years in my life and in the development of my testimony. I have some very fond memories of President Hinckley and feel that my testimony has been strengthened by him and his amazing testimony of the Savior and the gospel.
I remember attending General Conference a few years ago. When President Hinckley walked in, the HUGE Conference Center instantly became quiet and everyone stood. I had never experienced that before and felt the Spirit so strong. He was so cute and waved his cane around to everyone in attendance. (I always wondered why he had that cane - It seemed like he never used it except for to wave at everyone). I felt then a very strong testimony of President Hinckley as the Prophet of the Church and the leader for that time and a deep love for him.
I also remember when I was in college and President Hinckley gave his famous "Be" talk to all the youth of the church. At the end of that talk, I remember him praying for the youth of the church. I felt the Spirit so strong and felt so strengthened by his prayer and humbled that the Prophet of the church would be praying for me. I felt so loved by him and so important and have always had a special place in my heart for President Hinckley. I will be sad to not see him in his chair during Conference but I am also grateful for my testimony of the church and know that the next Prophet, President Monson, will also be someone called of God and the right person to serve at this time. I am also glad to know that President Hinckley will again be with his wife, whom he missed so much. He has seemed so lonely since she passed away - I'm sure theirs will be a joyous reunion! The Church is still true, but President Hinckley will be truly missed!

Rylee's First Steps!

Rylee is now walking!!! It is a little crazy to me that she is doing it already! This is a video of her taking some of her first steps, but it was taken on my cell phone so I don't know how clear it will be! She is just growing up too fast! This was taken a couple weeks ago, so she has gotten much better at walking since then. She still chooses to crawl most of the time, mostly because I don't think she is patient enough to walk because she isn't as fast yet. She is so funny and into everything all the time and is also starting to talk and babble a lot and can say a few words and do a few signs! She will be 10 months next week - Where does time go?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

New Year's Celebrations

These are the rest of our pictures from our last trip to Utah - It has taken me forever to get them posted, but I am always behind so its nothing new! We had a really fun New Year's. We spent New Year's Eve at Darren's sister and had fun eating treats and hanging out. Logan loved hanging out with Mason and cousin Katey was a little obsessed with baby Rylee.  

 On New Year's Day, we went to my uncle's house for some yummy oil cakes - It is a tradition we have started to do every year and is a lot of fun. My great-grandma used to make them before she died so it is something my uncle started again and we love it! They are SO delicious! They taste a little like a cross between a doughnut and a scone. Rylee even got a hold of one and LOVED it - Especially because it was rolled in sugar! She chewed on it FOREVER and wouldn't let it go! 

We also spent a little time in Cache Valley and saw some friends and went to an Aggies basketball game, which the kids both loved! I thought Rylee would be a little nervous about the noise, but she clapped and cheered louder than most fans and had a great time! Logan was singing the fight song and The Scotsman and cheering, too! It was a lot of fun! 
Playing with our Cache Valley friends - Tanner Ferrin, Sky Olson and Rylee and Logan

Aggie game with Robb and Carlie Lifferth

Rylee, Logan and Olivia Lifferth

 Our kids also both LOVED the snow and Logan even got to go sledding! Anytime he stepped outside, he immediately wanted to throw a snow ball at one of us. He thought the snow was so fun, but he didn't like being cold afterwards. 

We also took some time to visit my Grandpa.  He loves seeing (and teasing the kids...)

 We loved being around all of our family and seeing some friends. Since we have been home, Logan keeps asking to go back to Utah and see his cousins and uncles. He will be so excited to move closer to them!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Family Photos

We had these family photos taken before Christmas, but I hadn't had a chance to get them posted. So, here they are! It is a little crazy - It was quite challenging to get everyone to cooperate but a few of them turned out pretty good and a few turned out a little funny!
Logan and Rylee in their Christmas outfits
If Logan was smiling, Rylee wasn't and the one where Rylee is smiling, Logan isn't looking.... I guess that is what happens when there are TWO of them!
Rylee - 9 Months Old

Logan - 2 1/2 years old

Logan and Rudolph - He loved this thing!
Our family!

A few more of Logan. He is getting so big!

Logan and Daddy - They are the best of buddies!

Kisses for daddy
Daddy and his kids
Logan and Rylee

Rylee - 9 months old
And on the move!!!

We had Logan take a couple pictures in his Buzz costume. He loved it!