Friday, August 9, 2013

Baptism Day

I am so far behind on so many things right now. Part of me has completely given up on this blog.  I am almost a FULL year behind!  That is SO crazy!  But, then I feel super guilty and I miss it.  And it is the only source of journaling that I am very good at for our little family.  And I'm not that good at it lately.  So, I am trying to come back.  We'll see how it works.  I know I have a million posts to catch up on, but I wanted to start with something I really want to get posted before I forget a lot of the things I want to remember.  So, here is something current.  Well.... Kind of...

July 6, 2013 - This was one of our biggest days as a family so far!  Our sweet Logan chose to be baptized and become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!  It was such a big day for him and for our family.  I felt like we had hit a whole new part of our lives.  And I felt OLD to have a child big enough to be baptized!  It was a really great week leading up to it and we tried really hard to focus on what a big step Logan was going to be making and all the important stuff that goes with it instead of just the stress that comes with hosting the big event at our house. (I still was pretty stressed...) Everything turned out so great and I know the day was so special for Logan.  And for all of us.  That morning, I got a few phone calls and texts from people who weren't going to be able to make it and I was so worried that it was going to ruin the day, but things went great!  I am SO proud of Logan! We talked a lot about knowing if this was the right decision and making sure he was making this decision for himself and he just kept telling me, "Mom, I already know that its right." And I know he did and that he was so excited and looking forward to this day. 

I was going to post a bunch of things about stuff we did before and his pictures, but I decided to do that in another post.  This one will be long enough already.... 

Here is my handsome dude all dressed in his white.  Makes me tear up to look at these pictures.  He is such a good kid and was so excited for this big step in his life.

Logan's baptism was at noon, which seemed like it would give us plenty of time to get everyone ready and the food and all the cleaning done, but we were of course, in a panic when it was time to leave.  Once we were all ready, I gave Logan this special towel and a poem for his final countdown to baptism that we had been working on.  (I planned to have time to talk to him about it and the symbolism of it, but we were in a pretty big hurry at that point...)  I also gave him a letter Uncle Jeff wrote him, since he is on his mission and had to miss the big day and a special book I made him about the Holy Ghost.  It has experiences in it from most of his family members and turned out really neat.  Of course, being in such a big rush, it was all a bit of a blur.  We were late, but luckily there were 2 other baptisms that morning and they were running behind and we couldn't get into the chapel yet, so we had a little bit of time. 

Logan at the church and ready to go. 

 Logan and Daddy looking handsome in white

Logan with mom and Dad

Logan and mommy - I love this boy!

We were finally able to get into the chapel about 12:15.  Everything seemed to go really quick after that.  I did have a mad scramble to get something to snack on real quick once I realized that I needed to go up to the pulpit for his spotlight and I hadn't eaten all morning and I have kind of a bad history at the pulpit anyway.  I found some fruit snacks and we were good!  It was so nice to have so much of our family there to support Logan.  I know that was important to him. 

After the opening song, all the children getting baptized had someone spotlight them, usually moms.  Our old bishop, President Gatherum, was conducting the meeting.  Logan loves him, so that was neat for him.  There were 6 kids getting baptized so the spotlights took a while.  The first mom had a pretty lengthy spotlight that was quite a bit different than the basic outline they had given us, so I got a bit worried about mine, but I think it went OK and I didn't pass out.  The spotlight started out with the child's name, birthdate, parent's names, etc, but here are some of the other things included:

Favorite Scripture Story:  Helaman's Stripling Warriors
Favorite Primary Song:  Nephi's Courage and Armies of Helaman (He couldn't decide)

Interests/Hobbies/Talents:  Logan is someone who is so passionate about life and when he gets into something, he learns EVERYTHING about it.  Some things he is really into are Legos (mostly Ninjago and Star Wars and Hero Factory), Star Wars, Skylanders, Disneyland and Dinosaurs.  He is a bit of an expert on all of these subjects.  Logan is a fantastic reader and really likes to read.  This year he read the first 4 Harry Potter books and also some of the Percy Jackson series, which got him really interested in Greek Mythology.  He loves to read encyclopedia type books or books with trivia and facts in them.  He also loves to play Kinect and build Legos.  He loves sports and plays soccer, basketball and baseball and he is a HUGE fan of the Jazz, Real Salt Lake and especially the Aggies.  He knows all their stats and follows them really closely.  He has a great memory and remembers just about everything he hears or reads.   He is also a great friend and is so good at finding people who need a friend and including them.  He also has a great sense of humor and a fun laugh.  I love going to movies with Logan and hearing his laugh across the theater. 

Logan is special in our family because....  He makes life so fun!  Logan is just a special kid.  Everyone who meets him immediately falls in love with him.  He has a really infectious personality and love of life.  He is always happy and excited.  He is also such a sweet boy and loves to snuggle and give hugs.  He is the BEST big brother anyone could ask for and is so patient and such a great example to his siblings.  He really wants to do what is right. 

After the spotlights, there was a boy preparing to leave on his mission who gave a talk on baptism.  Then, they split up and had our ward go to the font.  There was one other little girl getting baptized from our ward (Berlin Hoth) so she went first.  It all felt really fast and I didn't get much of a chance to see Logan before it was his turn.  Both Grandpa Boman and Grandpa Webber were the witnesses for his baptism.  He looked so happy getting into the water.  I will never forget the huge, happy grin on his face when he came back up out of the water.  When I asked him what he felt like after, he said "Warm on the inside and wet on the outside."  Classic Logan.  That was about all I could get him to write in his journal about it, too. 

After the baptism, they sent us to another room.  Because we had such a big family, they had us go to our own room and have our own program and confirmation, which was kind of nice.  While we waited for Logan to come back in, they had everyone write him a little note.  I thought that was a fun idea.  (Too bad they only had the crappy crayons from the library to write with.  It made writing the notes a bit difficult...) 

Once he came back, we had a little program before the confirmation.  Brother Bowman from our bishopric conducted.  First, Logan and all his cousins and Rylee and Avery sang "I Like to Look for Rainbows".  It was really sweet. 

 Not a great picture and didn't get all of them, but here is some of the group.  I loved watching little Avery sing her heart out. Or at least try.  She practiced so hard before, but I think she forgot a lot of the words.  Especially the 2nd verse.  The cousins were great sports to jump in and sing.  It was on pretty short notice and some of them are getting older.  (From left.....Liam, Parker(missing his head, but I was so proud of him for singing even though he is 16 and way too cool), Mason, Logan, Chloee, Rylee, Lauren, Avery (hiding), Ethan, Cambree and half of Katey)

 Then, Logan gave the talk on the Holy Ghost.  When we met with the Bishop a few weeks before his baptism, the bishop asked Logan who he wanted to give the talk and Logan quickly responded that he wanted to.  I think it surprised the bishop a bit, but didn't surprise me too much.  He really likes talking, especially if there is a microphone involved.  Just before that, the bishop had mentioned that Logan's birthday was the anniversary of the martyrdom of the prophet Joseph Smith.  When the bishop asked Logan what he wanted to talk on, he said "How about Joseph Smith?"  I think that really caught the bishop off guard.  He told him he wanted to talk about when Joseph Smith got baptized.  And that day in Sacrament, he sat and wrote out his whole talk about Joseph Smith's "bathtism"  That is how he wrote it.  We even tried to correct him, but he was certain that that made more sense.  Funny boy!  I was pretty surprised how familiar he was with the whole story.  He is a smart kid and pays much more attention than I think he does!  When they called about the program, they wanted him to speak on the Holy Ghost.  I thought he might be upset, but he didn't mind.  He said, "I think I got some stuff wrong anyway." 

Anyway, he gave his talk on the Holy Ghost. I have it on video, but I couldn't get blogger to let me post it.  I think it is too long.  He did a great job. I helped him with the basic idea, but he came up with a lot of it on his own.  He had a box that looked like a present and talked about what a great gift the Holy Ghost was and then pulled out some items from the box and spoke about how they related to the Holy Ghost.  He was very insistent that we use a compass and a blanket for some of the items. 

There were a few classic Logan moments, like when he started and the mic wasn't on and he tapped it several times and said, "What???  Is this thing on?"  or when he got to one of the items that was missing and he said, "Well...we were supposed to have a warning sign here but eventually it fell out when my MOM brought it in."  He gave me a nice look on that one.  And when he help up the apple, after he finished and put it back, he whispered into the mic "Bronson, I'll give you this apple later."  He just can't help himself from being a bit silly when you give him a mic.  

Here is a copy of his talk.... 

For my birthday, I received a lot of really cool gifts.  Some of the things I got I have been wanting for a really long time and I was so excited when I opened them.  But, today I am about to get an even better gift.  It is a gift I have been waiting for longer than any of my birthday presents and one that will help me for the rest of my life.  It is the best gift I could receive.  It is the gift of the Holy Ghost. 

The reason the gift of the Holy Ghost is such an awesome gift is because it will help me in many ways. 

SHOW BLANKET – The Holy Ghost is sometimes called the Comforter.  It is like a nice warm blanket when we are feeling sad or discouraged.  The Holy Ghost can comfort us when we are having a hard time and help us feel Heavenly Father’s love for us.

SHOW APPLE – The Holy Ghost is like a teacher.  He can help us learn what Heavenly Father wants us to know.  He can help us to understand the scriptures or He can even help us remember things in school if we study as much as we can.

SHOW   SHOVEL  --   The Holy Ghost is a helper.  It helps us to know how we can help and serve others.  When we follow the Holy Ghost, we can help Heavenly Father answer people’s prayers. 

SHOW WARNING SIGN – The Holy Ghost is like a warning sign.  He can help us know if we are in danger and warn and protect us.

SHOW COMPASS – The Holy Ghost is like a compass.  When we don’t know which way we should go or what decision we should make, he can help us know what Heavenly Father wants us to do. 

SHOW FLASHLIGHT – The Holy Ghost is like a flashlight.  It helps light the way for us through life and helps to keep us on the right path.

SHOW THE SCRIPTURES   - The Holy Ghost can help me to gain my testimony.  I am learning that if I pray to Heavenly Father, the Holy Ghost can help answer my prayers and help me gain a testimony.  In the scriptures, it says “By the power of the Holy Ghost, ye may know the truth of all things.”  I know the Holy Ghost can help me know the gospel is true. 

This week, I have been praying about being baptized.  I have had a feeling in my heart tell me that it is the right choice.  It felt warm and peaceful and I know that Heavenly Father wants me to be baptized.  I am excited to receive the Holy Ghost so that I can have that gift with me all the time. 
  In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

My aunt Cindy was at the baptism and sent me this email a few days later.  
The baptism day was great. I was so glad to be there. We had our FHE last night on the Holy Ghost. I tried to do like Logan did in his talk with the gift and the items he pulled out. We had a one of our better family discussions on the Holy Ghost. Thanks for doing a good job on your talk Logan. You are an influential 8-year old.

After Logan's talk, they did the confirmation.  I thought that I would have someone write it down, but with everything else going on, I didn't remember to ask.  It was really special though and I could feel the spirit.  I hope Logan could, too.  I am so grateful for a wonderful husband who was able to perform those ordinances for Logan and give him such a special blessing.  A few things I remember from it were that Logan continue to be a great friend and seek out those who need a friend.  And for Logan to remember that if he makes a mistake he can repent and Heavenly Father will always love him.  And to remember the great love and support he had around him.  Those that stood in the circle were:  Dad, Brother Bowman, Grandpa Bill, Grandpa Boman, Great-Uncle Rex, Uncle Brian, Uncle Matt, Uncle Chris, Uncle Cory, Uncle Dean.  

After the confirmation, we sang Logan's favorite Primary song, Armies of Helaman.  Uncle Brad played the piano and Grandma Pat led the music and then Grandma Boman gave the closing prayer.  It was such a great day.  I just felt so happy and so proud of my sweet boy.  And so thankful for such amazing love and support for our little family.    

Our cute little family after the baptism.  I love these people so much! 

The whole crew!  Hard to see all the faces, but such amazing support - Besides all this family, the Primary President Sister Cannell was there, as well as Logan's Primary teacher, Sister Regan.  And our good friends, the Sanders family were also there.  We were missing a few family members - Uncle Curt and Aunt Carla and their family in Texas, Uncle Kevin and Aunt Laurie and Haley and their new baby Karlie and Aunt Heather who was sick.

Logan and his special buddy, cousin Mason

Afterwards, it was time to party!  We have been wanting to get a pergola for our back patio and decided having it for the baptism would be great.  Luckily, we were able to find someone to get it done that week.  It turned out perfect!

 Some of the decorations.... 


 I didn't get a great pic of the whole dessert table.  There was this subway art and a big cupcake tower and then a scrapbook page for everyone to sign for Logan and a few pictures and 3 tiers of mini-cheesecakes.  That is what Logan wanted for a dessert.   

 And the food - You have to have great food for a great party.  Everything came together really nice.  Darren's assistant at work does catering on the side and made chicken salad for us.  Such a nice thing to do!  It helped my stress level a ton! 
Coleslaw salad with pineapple vinaigrette

The one thing we did do wrong was not make enough of this yummy drink. It was gone so fast! 

And good parties need good people.  We love having our family over!  We are so thankful they were willing to make the drive.  Uncle Kyle, Uncle Brian and Uncle Brad...  Or should we say the 3 stooges....

 Mom's Uncle Rex, Aunt Jean and cousin Stacey 
 Bronson and Mama - He was being a bit of a stinker at party time and wouldn't let me put him down without screaming.  Luckily, I had lots of helping hands.
 Chaos in the kitchen getting everything ready

 Aunt Mandy and cousin Katey
 Aunt Katie and cousin Will
 Grandpa Boman and mom's Aunt Cindy
 Uncle Jay and cousin Robin
 Grandpa Bill, Uncle Brian and cousin Parker
 Uncle Chris and Aunt Kim and cousin Bridger
 The crowded kitchen
 My cute brother was so great and made me a slide show of Logan to show at the baptism. Here he is working to try and get it fixed.   Unfortunately, he had some pretty serious technical difficulties and couldn't get it to work and in trying to fix it, disabled our internet.  After awhile, we got everything running, but sadly no one really got to see the slide show :(  And it turned out so perfect!  I was sad about that. 

I made Logan take a few pictures before he could change out of his suit and he was getting pretty inpatient with me.  Here he is with his good buddy, Spencer.  We were so happy he could be there.  He is a great little friend for Logan.
Logan with Mom and Dad

Logan with Grandma and Grandpa Webber


Logan with Grandma and Grandpa Boman

Logan with Great-Grandma Mary

Logan with Great-Grandma Pauline

We ended the afternoon watching Logan's slide show.  At least the few of us that hadn't left yet.  I found the perfect song called Hourglass by Mindy Glendhill.  If you have a little boy, listen to it.  It is a really cute song.  I get teary every time I hear it.  Grandma and Grandpa Webber stayed for the evening and we went to see Despicable Me 2 and went to the car show parade and then to dinner at Costa Vida.  Such a wonderful day and I felt so blessed.

I also made Logan sit and write in his journal after everyone left.  He doesn't like to do much writing so it took some coaching but this is what he wrote in his new journal from Grandma and Grandpa Webber...
7-6-13 (baptism day)
today I felt warm inside and wet outside.  I knew it was the right thing to do.  My friend Spencer came and all my cousins came and I was baptized on the same day as my friend Ethan and Carter.  I gave my talk on the Holy Ghost.  It was like a blanket I said.  I loved the water in the font.  It was warm.  My dad confirmed me.  That is all I can say.

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