Saturday, February 16, 2008

A Few Little Messes!!!

It seems that my kids have been a little messier than usual lately! Here are a few pictures from our mishaps last month! (For some reason, I can't get my recent pics off of my camera right now...)

We came out the other day and Logan had taken a marker to his tummy and created this LOVELY body art! Good thing it wasn't a permanent marker!

Logan helped himself to the hair gel and created this lovely style for himself!
Rylee LOVES to unroll the TP all over the bathroom!
Yumm....Spaghetti!!!Rylee loves spaghetti too!
Before I took down this Nativity set, it was Rylee's favorite thing to terrorize! She was always throwing the pieces around and making a mess!

Despite all the messes, they sure are cute!!! Especially sleeping! I actually took this picture at 4 am. I got up to go to the bathroom and came back and the kids had taken over my spot! I had to take this picture because I thought it was so funny but then I had to move them so I didn't have to sleep on the couch!


The Webbers said...

Too cute!!! We love how great of an artist logan is... Hope to see you guys soon!!!!

Jenn said...

Those are so cute! Rylee is getting so big.

Scott, Kara, Paul, Brad and Andee said...

Hey guys! I got your blog from Curt and Carla's. Your kids are so cute! I'm glad you'll be done with school soon. Scott (my husband) got denied to UNLV, but we hope he gets in soon!
Kara (Talkington)

jeavin blog said...

Yikes, some days seem like they never end, especially when the kids are continually making messes. I saw a vinyl sign that I really like the other day, it said "My house was clean last week, sorry you missed it." mine would say "my house was clean an hour ago..." It's a good thing we love our kids because sometimes they just drive us crazy.

Jennie said...

Oh I can totally relate! And at the end of the day when they sleep and are peaceful you can't help but pardon them for all the craziness! We want you to come by next time you're up for sure! It's so fun to be in the house! Thanks for remembering my bday! You're awesome!! Luvs ... Jen